1.0.0 • Published 10 years ago
sweetp-base v1.0.0
Base package for Sweetp services developed with node.js
- simple DSL to define service methods easily
- asynchronous callback API like node.js packages
- wire protocol abstracted for you, again, so you can write new services easily
- call other services
Service creation
var service, methods, client, sweetp, log;
log = require('sweetp-base/lib/log')('YOUR SERVICE NAME:internal:');
sweetp = require('sweetp-base');
// service methods with sweetp meta data
service = {
// add methods as properties of the service object, the key is used as target
// target:"/yourService/your/own/target/string/", /* optional! */
options: {
// description which params you need from sweetp
params: {
// use URL to call other services
url: sweetp.PARAMETER_TYPES.url,
// define own parameters
myOwnParam: sweetp.PARAMETER_TYPES.one,
// or fetch config
config: sweetp.PARAMETER_TYPES.projectConfig
// add simple descriptions so everyone knows what this method does
description: {
summary:"Get user and password for 'key'.",
example:"more fancy text here, you can use HTML here",
returns:"a string with text"
// assign a function to the "fn" property, this gets executed when the service method gets called
fn:function(params, callback) {
// create unicorns here or any other fancy stuff which makes you more productive
log.debug("Search for unicorns.");
log.info("I create beautiful unicorns.");
log.warn("uh oh, no unicorns??");
log.error("No unicorns!!!! :(");
return callback(null, "This is your response and can be a String or JSON.");
// create service methods and start sweetp service (client)
methods = sweetp.createMethods(service, '/yourService/');
client = sweetp.start("YOUR SERVICE NAME", methods);
Put this in a file like /somedir/foo.js
. Add this to your Sweetp services.json
Now (re-)start Sweetp server and you should be able to call your example service with http://localhost:7777/services/yourService/yourMethod
Call other service
Calling an other service is easy. Fetch the url of the Sweetp server your
service is running with parameter type sweetp.PARAMETER_TYPES.url
. Add
parameters for the service call as simple map and put in the other parameters:
var callback = function (err, result) {
console.log('result from service call', result);
var params = {
title:'This is my title',
message:'This is my message'
sweetp.callService(url, "noproject", "ui/dialog/password", params, false, callback);
This would call the service "ui/dialog/password" of project "noproject", which runs in the same Sweetp server instance as your service. As result you going to get the answer of the called service.
Parameter types
See JVM version for more details.
sweetp.PARAMETER_TYPES.url = "url";
sweetp.PARAMETER_TYPES.one = "one";
sweetp.PARAMETER_TYPES.projectConfig = "projectConfig";
sweetp.PARAMETER_TYPES.list = "list";
sweetp.PARAMETER_TYPES.request = "request";