1.0.20 • Published 4 years ago

symphony-bdk-mock-client v1.0.20

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4 years ago

Symphony BDK Mock Client

Alt text Quality Gate Status | Build status: CircleCI

What you'll need

  • NodeJS
  • Yarn

Prepare environment

  • First you need to install the stable version of NodeJs
  • Then you need to install yarn npm install -g yarn


The BDK mock client application uses the symphony-api.js provided by symphony and modify on the fly its inner works so it can be used locally. The resulting object window.SYMPHONY available on any extension app running inside the mock client, is a mocked version of that file.

It also uses the same renderer the real symphony client uses to present rich data, in the form of messageML or presentationML or extensionML.

As a standalone application, by running yarn dev:watch the mock client will be launched in the following address https://localhost:5000, its server set to listen to all network interfaces, meaning that if launched it will be available on your local network.

Once Loaded, it will proxy any calls to actual extension app files to https://localhost:4000, this means that any given extension app project running yarn start:mock will automatically be loaded on the mock client (page refresh might be necessary thought)

Any calls to a be system wont be proxied, therefore setting CORS on your server is a must.

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Embedded Architecture

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You may import the mock client into your application, to do so, install this project and be sure to embed the dist files into your bundle system. like so:

###webpack example:

new CopyWebpackPlugin([
  { from: './node_modules/symphony-bdk-mock-client/dist', to: '' },

Your extension app might experience some crashes, if that occours thats probably a racing condition that presents itself. in order to mitigate that we strongly suggest that you wrap your app.js logic to check if the mock client is available, like so:

/* global SYMPHONY */

const appWrapper = async () => {
  // These next lines will be removed on production
  /* develblock:start */
  function sleep(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
    getJwt: () => new Promise(Resolve => Resolve('NO JWT')),
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    console.log('Waiting for Symphony Mock...', i);
    if (window.SYMPHONY.remote.isMock) {
      console.log('Appjs Found it!');
    await sleep(15);
  console.log('APPJS GOT', window.SYMPHONY);
  /* develblock:end */

  const appService = SYMPHONY.services.register(`${APP_ID}:app`);

  SYMPHONY.remote.hello().then((data) => {
    const themeSize = data.themeV2.size;
    const themeColor = data.themeV2.name;
    document.body.className = `symphony-external-app ${themeColor} ${themeSize}`;
    const appTheme = themeColor.toUpperCase() === THEME_TYPES.DARK
      : themeColor.toUpperCase() === THEME_TYPES.LIGHT
    window.themeColor = appTheme;
    window.themeSize = themeSize;

      ['modules', 'applications-nav', 'ui', 'extended-user-info', 'extended-user-service', 'dialogs'],
    ).then((response) => {
      const userId = response.userReferenceId;
      const modulesService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe('modules');
      const extendedUserInfoService = SYMPHONY.services.subscribe('extended-user-info');

      modulesService.addMenuItem(APP_ID, `About ${APP_TITLE}`, `${APP_ID}-menu-item`);
      modulesService.setHandler(APP_ID, `${APP_ID}:app`);
        menuSelect: (itemId) => {
          if (itemId === `${APP_ID}-menu-item`) {
            document.getElementById(`about-${APP_ID}-app`).className = '';
      const store = configureStore();
        <Provider store={store}>
          <Routes userId={userId} jwtService={MOCK_USER_SERVICE || extendedUserInfoService} />
        </Provider>, document.getElementById('root'),
    }).catch((error) => {
      throw new Error('Unable to connect the application on client', error);
  }).catch((error) => {
    throw new Error('Unable to reach the data for Extension App, please verify the Authentication with Server', error);


Running as a cli


yarn link

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From the cli you'll be able to point to a particular extension app deployed on any given address and load it on the mock client. Specially usefull when your app doesnt run on default port 4000

Running in development

You'll be able to run the project in development mode

simply run:

yarn dev:watch

While in this mode, any extension app running on port 4000 will be displayed inside the mock client.

Build release

Simply run:

yarn build:prod

That will produce new dist files, that need to be commited, versioned and published.