0.0.0 • Published 8 months ago

syne v0.0.0

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Last release
8 months ago


Microlanguage with ergonimic syntax, linear memory and compiling to 0-runtime WASM. Made for the purpose of audio/signal processing.


\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ numbers
16, 0x10, 0b0;                  \ int, hex or binary
16.0, .1, 1e3, 2e-3;            \ float

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ standard operators
+ - * / % -- ++                 \ arithmetical (float)
&& || ! ?: ?                    \ logical (boolean)
> >= < <= == !=                 \ comparisons (boolean)
& | ^ ~ >> <<                   \ binary (integer)
[]                              \ member access, length

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ extended operators
** // %%                        \ power, floor div, unsigned mod
<? <?= ..                       \ clamp/min/max, range
|> <| <|=                       \ loop, map
*                               \ state variable
^ ^^                            \ continue, break

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ variables
foo=1, bar=2.0;                 \ declare vars
Ab_C_F#, $0, Δx, _, @1;         \ names permit alnum, unicodes, #_$@
fooBar123 == FooBar123;         \ names are case-insensitive
default=1, eval=fn, else=0;     \ no reserved words
true = 0b1, false = 0b0;        \ alias bools
inf = 1/0, nan = 0/0;           \ alias infinity, NaN

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ units
1k = 1000; 1pi = 3.1415926;     \ define units
1s = 44100; 1m = 60s;           \ useful for sample indexes
10.1k, 2pi;                     \ units deconstruct to numbers: 10100, 6.283
2m35s;                          \ allow combinations

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ statements
foo();                          \ semi-colons at end of line are mandatory
(c = a + b; c);                 \ parens return last statement
(a = b+1; a,b,c);               \ can return multiple values
(a ? ^b; c);                    \ or return early (break scope)
(a ? (b ? ^^c) : d);            \ break 2 scopes

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ conditions
sign = a < 0 ? -1 : +1;         \ ternary
(2+2 >= 4) ? log(1) :           \ multiline/switch
  3 <= 1..2 ? log(2) :          \ else if
  log(3);                       \ else
a || b ? c;                     \ if a or b then c
(a, b) ? (c, d);                \ group condition: (a ? c, b ? d)

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ranges
0..10;                          \ from 1 to 9 (10 exclusive)
0.., ..10, ..;                  \ open ranges
10..1;                          \ reverse range
1.08..108.0;                    \ float range
(x-1)..(x+1);                   \ calculated ranges
x <= 0..10;                     \ is x in 0..10 range (10 inclusive)
x <? ..10, x <? 0..;            \ min(x, 10), max(x, 0)
x <? 0..10;                     \ clamp(x, 0, 10)
x <?= 0..10;                    \ x = clamp(x, 0, 10)
a,b,c = 0..2;                   \ a==0, b==1, c==2
(-10..10)[];                    \ span is 20

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ groups
a, b=1, c=2;                    \ define multiple values
(a, b, c)++;                    \ increment multiple: (a++, b++, c++)
(a,b,c) = (d,e,f);              \ assign multiple: a=d, b=e, c=f
(a,b) = (b,a);                  \ swap
(a,b) + (c,d);                  \ operator for multiple members: (a+c, b+d)
(a,b)[1] = c[2,3];              \ multiple props: (a[1]=c[2], b[1]=c[3])
(a,b,c) = d;                    \ duplicate: (a, b, c) = (d, d, d);
(a,,b) = (c,d,e);               \ skip: (a=c, d, b=e);

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ functions
double(n) = n*2;                \ define function
times(m = 1, n < 1..) = (       \ optional, clamped args
  n == 0 ? ^n;                  \ early return
  m*n                           \ default return
);                              \
times(3,2);                     \ 6
times(5);                       \ 5. optional argument
times(,10);                     \ 10. skipped argument
copy = triple;                  \ capture function
copy(10);                       \ also 30
dup(x) = (x,x);                 \ return multiple values
(a,b) = dup(b);                 \ get returns

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ state variables
a() = ( *i=0; ++i );            \ i persists value between calls
a(), a();                       \ 1, 2
fib() = (                       \
  *i=[1,0,0];                   \ local memory of 3 items
  i[1..] = i[0..];              \ shift memory
  i[0] = i[1] + i[2];           \ sum prev 2 items
);                              \
fib(), fib(), fib();            \ 1, 2, 3
c() = (fib(), fib(), fib());    \ state is defined by function scope
fib(); c();                     \ 5; 1, 2, 3;
d(_b) = (fib(), _b());          \ to get external state, pass fn as argument
d(b);                           \ 1, 8;

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ arrays
m = [..10];                     \ array of 10 elements
m = [..10 <| 2];                \ filled with value
m = [1,2,3,4];                  \ array of 4
m = [n[..]];                    \ copy n
m = [1, 2..4, 5];               \ mixed definition
m = [1, [2, 3, [4]]];           \ nested arrays (tree)
m = [0..4 <| @ * 2];            \ comprehension
(first, last) = (m[0], m[-1]);  \ get by index
(second, ..last) = m[1, 2..];   \ get multiple values
length = m[];                   \ get length
m[0] = 1;                       \ set value
m[2..] = (1, 2..4, n[1..3]);    \ set multiple values from offset 2
m[0..] = 0..4 <| @ * 2          \ set via iteration
m[1,2] = m[2,1];                \ rearrange
m[0..] = m[-1..0];              \ reverse order
m[0..] = m[1..,0];              \ rotate

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ loops
a, b, c |> x(@);                \ for each a, b, c do x(item)
10.. |> (                       \ iterate over range
  @ < 3 ? ^^;                   \ ^^ break
  @ < 5 ? ^;                    \ ^ continue
);                              \
i < 10 |> x(i++);               \ while i < 10 do x(i++)
items |> a(@);                  \ iterate over array
items |> a(@) |> b(@);          \ pipe iterations
0..w |> (                       \ nest iterations
  x=@; 0..h |> (y=@; a(x,y))    \
);                              \
x = a, b, c |> @;               \ returns last member: x == c
a, b, c <| @ * 2;               \ returns multiple members
x[3..5] <|= @ * 2;              \ map items from range

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ import, export
<math#pi,sin>;                  \ import (into global scope)
x, y, z.                        \ export (from global scope)


Provides k-rate amplification for block of samples.

gain(                               \ define a function with block, volume arguments.
  block,                            \ block is a list argument
  volume <= 0..100                  \ volume is limited to 0..100 range
) = (
  block <|= @ * volume;             \ map each sample by multiplying by value

gain([0..5 <| @ * 0.1], 2);         \ 0, .2, .4, .6, .8, 1

gain.                               \ export gain function

Minifies as gain(b,v)=b<|=@*v.

A-rate (per-sample) biquad filter processor.

<math#pi,cos,sin>;                  \ import pi, sin, cos from math

1pi = pi;                           \ define pi units
1s = 44100;                         \ define time units in samples
1k = 10000;                         \ basic si units

lpf(                                \ per-sample processing function
  x0,                               \ input sample value
  freq <= 1..10k = 100,             \ filter frequency, float
  Q <= 0.001..3.0 = 1.0             \ quality factor, float
) = (
  *(x1, y1, x2, y2) = 0;            \ define filter state

  \ lpf formula
  w = 2pi * freq / 1s;
  (sin_w, cos_w) = (sin(w), cos(w));
  a = sin_w / (2.0 * Q);

  (b0, b1, b2) = ((1.0 - cos_w) / 2.0, 1.0 - cos_w, b0);
  (a0, a1, a2) = (1.0 + a, -2.0 * cos_w, 1.0 - a);

  (b0, b1, b2, a1, a2) *= 1.0 / a0;

  y0 = b0*x0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 - a1*y1 - a2*y2;

  (x1, x2) = (x0, x1);              \ shift state
  (y1, y2) = (y0, y1);

  y0                                \ return y0

\ (0, .1, .3) <| lpf(@, 108, 5);

lpf.                                \ export lpf function, end program

Generates ZZFX's coin sound zzfx(...[,,1675,,.06,.24,1,1.82,,,837,.06]).


1pi = pi;
1s = 44100;
1ms = 1s / 1000;

\ define waveform generators
oscillator = [
  saw(phase) = (1 - 4 * abs( round(phase/2pi) - phase/2pi )),
  sine(phase) = sin(phase)

\ applies adsr curve to sequence of samples
  a <= 1ms..,                     \ prevent click
  (s, sv=1),                      \ optional group-argument
) = (
  *i = 0;                         \ internal counter, increments after fn body
  t = i / 1s;

  total = a + d + s + r;

  y = t >= total ? 0 : (
    t < a ? t/a :                 \ attack
    t < a + d ?                   \ decay
    1-((t-a)/d)*(1-sv) :          \ decay falloff
    t < a  + d + s ?              \ sustain
    sv :                          \ sustain volume
    (total - t)/r * sv
  ) * x;

\ curve effect
curve(x, amt<=0..10=1.82) = (sign(x) * abs(x)) ** amt;

\ coin = triangle with pitch jump, produces block
coin(freq=1675, jump=freq/2, delay=0.06, shape=0) = (
  out[1023];                      \ output block of 1024 samples
  *phase = 0;                     \ current phase
  t = i / 1s;

  out <|= oscillator[shape](phase)
      <| adsr(@, 0, 0, .06, .24)
      <| curve(@, 1.82)

  phase += (freq + (t > delay ? jump : 0)) * 2pi / 1s;

See all examples


syne is available as CLI or JS package.

npm i syne


syne source.s -o dest.wasm

This produces compiled WASM binary.


import * as syne from 'syne'
import latr from 'latr'

// create wasm arrayBuffer
const buffer = syne.compile(`
  mult(x) = x*pi;
  arr=[1, 2, sin(1.08)];
  mult, n, arr.;
`, {
  imports: {
    // object
    math: {
      // direct value
      pi: Math.PI,
      // function / signature
      sin: Math.sin
    // string (code)

  memory: new WebAssembly.Memory({initial:1, maximum: 8}),

  // target: can be `wat` or `wasm` for text or bytes
  target: 'wasm'

// create wasm instance
const module = new WebAssembly.Module(buffer)
const instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module)

// use API
const {mult, n, arr} = instance.exports

// number exported as global
n.value = 2;

// function exported directly
mult(108) // 216

// array is a number pointer to memory
const arrValues = new Float64Array(__memory, arr.value, 3)


Audio processing doesn't have general cross-platform solution, many environments lack audio features. JS Web Audio API in particular is not suitable for audio purposes: unpredictable pauses, glitches and so on. It's better handled in worklet with WASM. syne addresses these points, making audio code more accessible and robust.

That's personal attempt to rethink some JS parts and secure language ground. Someone may find it a line noise, but I find it beautiful.



8 months ago