1.7.8 • Published 2 years ago

tabski-printer-library v1.7.8

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2 years ago

Node Dot Matrix and Thermal Printer

Node.js module for EPSON and STAR impact dot matrix and thermal printers command line printing.


Star: Dot Impact Printer - STAR Command Specifications Rev. 1.91 https://www.starmicronics.com/support/Mannualfolder/dot_star_cm_en.pdf Supported products: SP2000, SP500, SP700, BD100, BD500

Line Thermal Printer - STAR Graphic Mode Command Specifications Rev. 2.33 https://starmicronics.com/support/download/star-graphic-mode-command-specifications // Supported products: TSP100U, TSP100PU, TSP100GT, TSP100LAN, TSP100IIU, TSP100IIIW, TSP1000IIILAN, TSP100IIIBI, TSP100IIIU

Epson Dot Impact Printer - ESC/POS Command Reference Rev. 2.60 https://reference.epson-biz.com/modules/ref_escpos/index.php?content_id=2 Supported product: TM-U220


getPrinters(); // fetches printer based on series that is provided, each serie has their own set of command

EPSON Dot Matrix set of commands

setCharacterSet() // specify international character set

hwInit() // initialize printer, clears data in the print buffer and resets printer modes

isPrinterConnected() // check printer connection

execute() // executes all printer commands from buffer

cut() // cut paper

setRedColor() // set red color printing

lineFeed() // line feed

strikeOn() // strike on text

underline2() // underline font 2-dots

setFontA() // selects font A

setFontB() // selects font B

clear() // clear buffer

print() // print text in same line

println() // print text in new line

bold() // bold text

underline() // underline font 1-dot

alignCenter() // align text to the center of ticket

alignLeft() // align text to the left edge of ticket

alignRight() // align text to the right edge of ticket

setRightSpaceChar() // set right-side character spacing

setPrintingDoubleHeight() // set double height text

setPrintingDoubleWidth() // set double width text

twoColorPrinting() // enables two color printing black/red

newLine() // add new empty line

drawLine() // draw line with line character

tableCustom() // makes table with rows from data

STAR Dot Matrix set of commands

setCharacterSet() // specify international character set

hwInit() // initialize printer, clears data in the print buffer and resets printer modes

isPrinterConnected() // check printer connection

execute() // executes all printer commands from buffer

cut() // cut the paper

setRedColor() // set red color printing

set7x9Font() // set 7 x 9 font (half dots)

set5x92P1Font() // set 5 x 9 font (2P-1)

set5x93P1Font() // set  5 x 9 font (3P-1)

upperline() // specify upperline 1-dot

invert() // specify white/black inversion and red color printing

setCharDoubleWide() // specify double-wide expanded characters

clear() // clear buffer

print() // print text in same line

println() // print text in new line

bold() // bold text

underline() // specify underling mode 9th-dot of character

alignCenter() // align text to the center of ticket

alignLeft() // align text to the left edge of ticket

alignRight() // align text to the right edge of ticket

setRightSpaceChar() // set right-side character spacing

setPrintingDoubleHeight() // set double height text

setPrintingDoubleWidth() // set double width text

twoColorPrinting() // select 2-color printing mode

newLine() // add new empty line

drawLine() // draw line with line character

tableCustom() // makes table with rows from data

STAR Thermal set of commands

enterRaster() // enter raster mode

quitRaster() // quit raster mode

setStatus() // set status transmission conditions

setPageLength() // set raster page length

getRealStatus() // real-time printer status

// image data is 2D canvas which means it is two-dimensional grid
// from image data we create a Buffer object representing the image contained in the canvas
// image buffer is send to transfer data as argument
// transfer data method is transferring data from image buffer to the raster data in binary

isPrinterConnected() // check printer connection

execute() // executes all printer commands from buffer




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