0.1.1 • Published 4 years ago

tajm v0.1.1

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4 years ago

Tajm GitHub license

A ReasonML library to handle most needs when time and dates are needed.


Somewhat of a beta library at the moment


npm install tajm --save


yarn add tajm

Add tajm to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json:

  "bs-dependencies": [

API Reference

The api is inspierd by Golang time lib

Tajm does not differentiate between a date and a time (wall clock). Instead there is only one type, time_, which can be used for both dependent on your need

let zero: () => time_

Tajm.zero() |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

let now = () => time_

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 2020-08-07T07:38:57.613Z

let ofUnix: (f: float) => time_

Tajm.ofUnix(1585443600000.)  |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 2020-03-29T01:00:00.000Z

let make: (~y, ~m, ~d, ~hour, ~min, ~sec, ~ms, loc) => time_

|> Tajm.string
|> Js.log;
// 2020-02-29T15:32:42.123Z

let compare: (t1: time_, t2: time_) => int

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.compare(Tajm.now()) |> Js.log
// 1

let unix: (t: time_) => float

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.unix |> Js.log
// 1596788909886

let toJs: (t: time_) => Js.Date.t

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.toJs |> Js.log
// 2020-08-07T08:29:14.241Z

let add: (dur: duration_, t: time_) => time_

|> tee2(Tajm.string, Js.log)
|> Tajm.add(Tajm.Duration.hour)
|> Tajm.string
|> Js.log
// 2020-08-07T08:35:18.066Z
// 2020-08-07T09:35:18.066Z

let sub: (t1: time_, t2: time_) => duration_

let t1 = Tajm.now();
let t2 =
  t1 |> Tajm.add(Tajm.Duration.hour) |> Tajm.add(15. *. Tajm.Duration.minute);
Tajm.sub(t1, t2) |> Tajm.Duration.string |> Js.log
// -1h15m0s

let since: (t: time_) => duration_

|> Tajm.add((-35.) *. Tajm.Duration.secound)
|> Tajm.since
|> Tajm.Duration.string
|> Js.log;
// 0h0m35s

let until: (t: time_) => duration_

|> Tajm.add(2. *. Tajm.Duration.minute)
|> Tajm.until
|> Tajm.Duration.string
|> Js.log;
// 0h2m0s

let truncate: (_m: duration_, t: time_) => time_

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.truncate(Tajm.Duration.minute) |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 2020-08-07T08:52:00.000Z

let before: (t2: time_, t1: time_) => bool

Tajm.now()->Tajm.before(Tajm.zero) |> Js.log;
// false

let after: (t2: time_, t1: time_) => bool

Tajm.now()->Tajm.after(Tajm.zero) |> Js.log;
// true

let future: (t: time_) => bool

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.future |> Js.log;
// false

let past: (t: time_) => bool

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.past |> Js.log;
// true

let atUTC = (t: time_) => time_

|> Tajm.atUTC
|> Tajm.format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 Z07:00")
|> Js.log
// 2020-08-07 09:05:38 Z

let atLocal = (t: time_) => time_

|> Tajm.atLocal
|> Tajm.format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 Z07:00")
|> Js.log
// 2020-08-07 11:05:38 +02:00

let atFixed = (name: string, sec: int) => time_

|> Tajm.atFixed("CEST", 2 * 60 * 60)
|> Tajm.format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST")
|> Js.log
// 2020-08-07 11:07:46 CEST

let at = (loc: location_, t: time_) => time_

|> Tajm.at(Tajm.local)
|> Tajm.format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST")
|> Js.log;
// 2020-08-07 11:10:21 Central European Summer Time

let zone = (t: time_) => location_

let zone = Tajm.now() |> Tajm.at(Tajm.local) |> Tajm.zone;
|> Tajm.at(zone)
|> Tajm.format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 Z07:00")
|> Js.log;
// 1970-01-01 01:00:00 +01:00

let location: (name: string) => option(location_)

let weekday: (t: time_) => weekday_

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.weekday |> Tajm.Conv.stringOfWeekday |> Js.log
// Thursday

let year: (t: time_) => int

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.year |> Js.log;
// 1970

let month: (t: time_) => month_

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.month |> Tajm.Conv.stringOfMonth |> Js.log
// January

let day: (t: time_) => int

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.day |> Js.log
// 1

let hour: (t: time_) => int

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.hour |> Js.log
// 0

let minute: (t: time_) => int

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.minute |> Js.log
// 0

let second: (t: time_) => int

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.second |> Js.log
// 0

let millisecond: (t: time_) => int

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.millisecond |> Js.log
// 0

let yearDay: (t: time_) => int

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.yearDay |> Js.log
// 220

let week: (t: time_) => int


let clock: (t: time_) => (int, int, int)

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.clock |> Js.log
// [ 9, 29, 43 ]

let date: (t: time_) => (int, month_, int)

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.date |> Js.log
// [ 2020, 7, 7 ]

let set: (~y, ~m, ~d, ~hour, ~min, ~sec, ~ms, _time) => time_

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.set(~d=1) |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 1999-08-01T09:32:06.946Z

let setDate: (y: int, m: month_, d: int, t: time_) => time_

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.setDate(1999, August, 1) |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 1999-08-01T09:33:27.010Z

let setClock: (hour: int, min: int, sec: int, t: time_) => time_

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.setClock(10, 10, 10) |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 2020-08-07T10:10:10.552Z

let addDate: (~y, ~m, ~d, t: time_) => time_

Tajm.zero |> Tajm.addDate(~y=1, ~m=2, ~d=3) |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 1971-03-04T00:00:00.000Z

let startOf = (u: timeunit_, t: time_) => time_

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.startOf(Day) |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 2020-08-07T00:00:00.000Z

let endOf = (u: timeunit_, t: time_) => time_

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.endOf(Day) |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 2020-08-07T23:59:59.999Z

let format: (layout: string, t: time_) => string

Formats a time to a string in accordance to the layout string. The layout is borrowed from golang time library with some addition and changes. It provides a human friendly way for developers to see what the expected output will be.

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.format(Tajm.fmtRFC850) |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// Friday, 07-Aug-20 09:40:55 UTC
Tajm.now() |> Tajm.format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00") |> Tajm.string |> Js.log
// 2020-08-07T09:40:55Z
Tajm.fmtANSIC           = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006";
Tajm.fmtUnixDate        = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006";
Tajm.fmtRubyDate        = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006";
Tajm.fmtRFC822          = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST";
Tajm.fmtRFC822Z         = "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700"; // RFC822 with numeric zone
Tajm.fmtRFC850          = "Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST";
Tajm.fmtRFC1123         = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST";
Tajm.fmtRFC1123Z        = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700"; // RFC1123 with numeric zone
Tajm.fmtRFC3339         = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00";
Tajm.fmtRFC3339ms       = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00";
Tajm.fmtISOTimestamp    = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"; // ISO 8601
Tajm.fmtISOTimestampMs  = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z07:00"; // ISO 8601
Tajm.fmtISOWeek         = "2006-W49"; // ISO 8601
Tajm.fmtISOWeekDay      = "2006-W49-7"; // ISO 8601
Tajm.fmtKitchen         = "3:04PM";
| LongMonth         // = "January";
| Month             // = "Jan";
| NumMonth          // = "1";
| ZeroMonth         // = "01"; Padd left with 0
| RightMonth        // = "_1"; Right aligns
| LongWeekDay       // = "Monday";
| WeekDay           // = "Mon";
| NumWeekDay        // = "7";
| Day               // = "2";
| ZeroDay           // = "02"; Padd left with 0
| RightDay          // = "_2"; Right aligns
| YearDay           // = "8"
| ZeroYearDay       // = "008";
| RightYearDay      // = "__8"; Right aligns
| Hour              // = "15";
| Hour12            // = "3";
| ZeroHour12        // = "03"; Padd left with 0
| RightHour12       // = "_3"; Right aligns
| Minute            // = "4";
| ZeroMinute        // = "04"; Padd left with 0
| RightMinute       // = "_4"; Right aligns
| YearWeek          // = "49";
| RightYearWeek     // = "_9" Right aligns
| ZeroYearWeek      // = "09" Padd left with 0
| Second            // = "5";
| ZeroSecond        // = "05"; Padd left with 0
| RightSecond       // = "_5"; Right aligns
| LongYear          // = "2006";
| Year              // = "06"; 
| PM(bool)          // = "PM" | "pm";
| TZ                // = "MST"; Poor interop with local timezone due to the js Date api behavior
| ISO8601TZ         // = "Z0700";  prints Z for UTC
| ISO8601ShortTZ    // = "Z07";
| ISO8601ColonTZ    // = "Z07:00";  prints Z for UTC
| NumTZ             // = "-0700";  always numeric
| NumShortTZ        // = "-07"; always numeric
| NumColonTZ        // = "-07:00";
| FracSecond0(int)  // = ".0"; ".00", ".000", ... , trailing zeros included
| FracSecond9(int)  // = ".9"; ".99", ".999" ... , trailing zeros omited

let parse: (layout: string, t: string) => time_

"2020-08-07 09:40:55 +02:00"
|> Tajm.parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05 Z07:00")
|> (
  | Some(t) => t |> Tajm.string
  | None => "Failed to parse"
|> Js.log;
// 2020-08-07T07:40:55.000Z

let string: (t: time_) => string

Tajm.now() |> Tajm.string |> Js.log;
// 2020-08-07T09:47:58.315Z

let millisecond: duration_

let secound: duration_

let minute: duration_

let hour: duration_

let truncate: (m: duration_, d: duration_) => duration_

let string: (d: duration_) => string

let parse: (d: string) => duration_

let equal: (t1: time_, t2: time_) => bool

let zero: (t: time_) => bool

let year: (y: int, t: time_) => bool

let month: (m: month_, t: time_) => bool

let day: (d: int, t: time_) => bool

let hour: (h: int, t: time_) => bool

let minute: (m: int, t: time_) => bool

let second: (s: int, t: time_) => bool

let millisecond: (ms: int, t: time_) => bool

let weekday: (w: weekday_, t: time_) => bool

let monday: (t: time_) => bool

let tuesday: (t: time_) => bool

let wednesday: (t: time_) => bool

let thursday: (t: time_) => bool

let friday: (t: time_) => bool

let saturday: (t: time_) => bool

let sunday: (t: time_) => bool

let weekend: (t: time_) => bool

let leapYear: (t: time_) => bool

let sameYear: (t: time_) => bool

let sameMonth: (t: time_) => bool

let sameDay: (t: time_) => bool

let sameHour: (t: time_) => bool

let sameMinute: (t: time_) => bool

let sameSecond: (t: time_) => bool

let sameMillisecond: (t: time_) => bool

let stringOfWeekday: (weekday: weekday_) => string

let stringOfWeekdayShort: (weekday: weekday_) => string

let intOfWeekday: (weekday: weekday_) => int

let weekdayOfInt: (i: int) => weekday_

let intOfMonth: (month: month_) => int

let monthOfInt: (i: int) => month_

let monthOfStringShort: (m: string) => month_

let stringOfMonth: (month: month_) => string

let stringShortOfMonth: (month: month_) => string

let daysInYear: (year: int) => int

let daysInMonth: (year: int, month: month_) => int

type time_ = {
  t: int64,
  loc: location_,
type duration_ = float;
type month_ =
  | January
  | February
  | March
  | April
  | May
  | June
  | July
  | August
  | September
  | October
  | November
  | December;
type weekday_ =
  | Monday
  | Tuesday
  | Wednesday
  | Thursday
  | Friday
  | Saturday
  | Sunday;
type location_ =
  | Fixed(string, int)     // (name, offset) in secound, Fixed("CET", 3600)
  | Local                  // Uses the local location defined by the environment
  | IANA(Tajm_Iana_Tz.tz); // A IANA location, eg Europe/London


git clone https://github.com/crholm/tajm.git
cd tajm
npm install
npm run build
npm run test


  • More tests
  • Finish Tajm.parse
  • Expose IANA properly
  • Convert IANA DB to Map
  • Rewrite IANA unmarshaler to pass once
  • Finish Documentation