1.0.0 • Published 8 months ago

takoland-clara-quitzon v1.0.0

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8 months ago

Boilerplate for Web-Extensions

GitHub package.json dependency version (dev dep on branch) GitHub package.json dependency version (dev dep on branch) GitHub package.json dependency version (dev dep on branch)

A TypeScript boilerplate for writing browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Edge. Uses webpack to build the finished source.


The extension can be built for one of the following browsers at a time: Chrome, Firefox, Edge. 1. First time after cloning, run npm install 2. Run npm run build:<browser> where <browser> can be chrome|firefox|edge

The bundled files will be located in the dist/ directory.

Loading into the browser

After having built the extension for the desired browser, you can run it following the appropriate steps.


  1. Navigate to chrome://extensions/
  2. Switch to Developer Mode
  3. Load extension by clicking Load unpacked and navigating to the dist/ directory


Method 1.

  1. Run in firefox with npm run start:firefox

Method 2.

  1. Navigate to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
  2. Load extension by clicking Load Temporary Add-on and navigating to the dist/ directory


  1. Navigate to edge://extensions/
  2. Switch to Developer Mode
  3. Load extension by clicking Load unpacked and navigating to the dist/ directory
