1.0.0-alpha.5 • Published 2 years ago

tankobon v1.0.0-alpha.5

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Last release
2 years ago


A simple script for downloading manga and converting it into ePub ebooks. Warning: this is not a polished application. Use at your own risk.

Additionally, don't download manga you don't own legally.


You'll need a functional Node environment, including NPM. To install:

npm install -g tankobon

Invoke the script like this:

tankobon -m <stub> -c <stub> -t <title>

Alternatively, if you don't want to install the package, and you have Yarn installed, you can just clone the repo and run the script directly:

yarn start -m <stub> -c <stub> -t <title>

There are two supported manga sources: Mangasee and Manganato. If you don't specify a source, the script will use Mangasee. For either one, you'll need "stubs" for both the manga and chapter(s) you want to download. You can get those from the URL:


                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
                                    Manga        Chapter


                                ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
                                Manga    Chapter

The script can handle multiple chapter stubs at once. Full usage:

Usage: Tankobon [options]

A script to download Manga pages and bind them into an ePub.

  -V, --version                   output the version number
  -m, --manga-stub <stub>         The Manganato URL stub for the manga series
  -c, --chapter-stubs <stubs...>  A list of chapter stubs to download
  -t, --title <title>             The title of the output ePub
  -o, --output <path>             The fully-resolved local path to write the output ePub
  -a, --author <author>           The author of the output ePub
  -i, --cover <path>              The fully-resolved local path to a cover image
  -s, --source <source>           The source of the manga images. Available options: manganato, mangasee
  -h, --help                      display help for command


To build the project, run this command:

yarn build

You can run the project locally with yarn start; there is also a VS Code launch file provided that will start a debugger.