1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

tanvirarjel-custom-validation-unobtrusive v1.0.1

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4 years ago


AspNetCore.CustomValidation NuGet package has been split into TanvirArjel.CustomValidation and TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.AspNetCore NuGet packages to extend the support of this library beyond ASP.NET Core. Now, this library can be used in any C# and .NET Application.

So from now, please use TanvirArjel.CustomValidation and TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.AspNetCore NuGet packages instead.

Custom Validation

This is a custom model validation library for any C# and .NET projects.

How do I get started?

For any C# and .NET Application:

First install the lastest version of TanvirArjel.CustomValidation nuget package into your project as follows:

Install-Package TanvirArjel.CustomValidation

Then decorate your class properties with appropriate custom validation attributes as follows:

using TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.Attributes;

pulic class Employee
    [Display(Name = "First Number")]
    public int FirstNumber { get; set; }

    [CompareTo(nameof(FirstNumber), ComparisonType.GreaterThanOrEqual)]
    [Display(Name = "Second Number")]
    public int? SecondNumber { get; set; }
    [RequiredIf(nameof(FirstNumber), ComparisonType.Equal, 10)]
    public string ThirdNumber { get; set; }

For ASP.NET Core Application:

First install the lastest version of TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.AspNetCore nuget package into your project as follows:

Install-Package TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.AspNetCore

Then decorate your class properties with appropriate custom validation attributes as follows:

using TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.Attributes;
using TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.AspNetCore.Attributes;

pulic class Employee
    [Display(Name = "First Number")]
    public int FirstNumber { get; set; }

    [CompareTo(nameof(FirstNumber), ComparisonType.GreaterThanOrEqual)]
    [Display(Name = "Second Number")]
    public int? SecondNumber { get; set; }
    [RequiredIf(nameof(FirstNumber), ComparisonType.Equal, 10)]
    public string ThirdNumber { get; set; }
    [File(FileType.Jpg, MaxSize = 1024)]
    public IFormFile Photo { get; set; }

ASP.NET Core Client Side validation:

To enable client client side validation for ASP.NET Core MVC or Razor Pages:

  1. First in the ConfirugeServices method of the Startup class:

    using TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.AspNetCore.Extensions;

    public static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddAspNetCoreCustomValidation(); }

  2. Then please add the latest version of aspnetcore-custom-validation.min.js file as follows:

    @section Scripts { @{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial");}



You can download the tanvirarjel.customvalidation.unobtrusive.min.js from here tanvirarjel-custom-validation-unobtrusive-npm

Or using Visusl Studio Libman as follows:

1 ) wwwroot > lib> Add > Client Side Libray

2. Provider: jsdelivr
   Libray: tanvirarjel-custom-validation-unobtrusive
3. Click install


What contains in version 1.0.1?

TanvirArjel.CustomValidation contains the following validation attributes:

1. MaxAgeAttribute To validate maximum age against date of birth value of DateTime type.

2. MinAgeAttribute To validate minimum required age against a date of birth value of DateTime type.

3. MaxDateAttribute To set max value validation for a DateTime field.

4. MinDateAttribute To set min value validation for a DateTime field.

5. TextEditorRequiredAttribute To enforce required valiaton attribute on the online text editors like TinyMCE, CkEditor etc.

6. CompareToAttribute To compare one property value against another property value of the same object. Comparison types are: Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreatherThanOrEqual, SmallerThan, SmallerThanOrEqual

7. RequiredIfAttribute To mark a field required based on the value of another field.

In addition to the above, TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.AspNetCore also contains the following validation attributes:

1. FileAttribute To validate file type, file max size, file min size etc.

2. FileTypeAttribute To validate type of a file.

3. FileMaxSizeAttribute To validate allowed max size of a file.

4. FileMinSizeAttribute To validate allowed min size of a file.

Dynamic Validation

Validation against dynamic values from database, configuration file or any external sources added for the following type: 1. File Type: with ValidateFile() method 1. DateTime Type: with ValidateMaxAge() and ValidateMinAge() method as follows:

public class Employee : IValidatableObject
    public DateTime? DateOfBirth { get; set; }
    public IFormFile Photo { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
        List<ValidationResult> validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>();
        FileOptions fileOptions = new FileOptions()
            FileTypes = new FileType[] {FileType.Jpeg,FileType.Jpg},
            MinSize = 124,
            MaxSize = Convert.ToInt32(AppSettings.GetValue("DemoSettings:MaxFileSize"))

        ValidationResult minAgeValidationResult = validationContext.ValidateMinAge(nameof(DateOfBirth), 10, 0, 0);
        ValidationResult fileValidationResult = validationContext.ValidateFile(nameof(Photo), fileOptions);
        return validationResults;


Dont forget to request your desired validation attribute by submitting an issue.


If you find this library useful, please don't forget to encouraging me to do such more stuffs by giving a star to this repository. Thank you.