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Tao Te Ching Richard Wilhelm Pdf 29 ((FREE))
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in all likelihood, this is the only time when i allowed the text to speak to me as it wished. had i suddenly turned into an aural-visual hallucination, i would have seen an image of the i ching as a hexagram. the image was about the same as the visconti-chabrol film by the same title, a latin-accented scene in which a priest in western clothing offers the book to a dignitary in chinese costume, a bishop. wilhelms version is as follows: even if the ruler were to reject the advice of this hexagram, he still would not lack wisdom. the religious inspiration of this book is without blemish. this ting is a well-fed sacerdotal animal. it stands in the temple, a strange bird, a foreign bird. to throw it out, to beat it to death, to scatter it on the ground would be a dire mistake. this mystic vessel, to which the people look for light and truth, is the deposit of god. the consummation of the chinese religion. the i ching holds the spirit of holiness and love in its holy, tenacious, and indestructible grip. its word stands for the highest standard, for the ideal of human life. the way of earthly life is contained in the word of the i ching, and is accordingly led back to it, so that it can be brought to fulfillment. on all paths that have come before, the i ching points out the way. it is not for man to give it a meaning; this is reserved for the wise.
thus, the gods are those that have holiness and the holy ones are those who have done right in the past, are therefore suited to the role of high priests. the ting is a receptacle for the holy ones. what is the purpose of such a receptacle? to strengthen and protect them by the retention of their wise deeds. in the minds of the chinese as in the i ching, chance plays a decisive role. the power of tradition, however, assigns men to positions in the world. in its view, the ting is a receptacle or caldron for the holy ones. the latter are what they are only through the protection given to them by the past. the hexagram describes the fate of a powerful state, upon which are set the eyes of the east and the eyes of the west: 84d34552a1
2 years ago