1.1.2 • Published 6 years ago
tape-modern v1.1.2
Minimum viable testing framework:
- TAP compliant
- Works in Node and in browsers
- Everything is assumed to be async — no need to faff around with
It requires Node 7.6+, because it uses async
npm i -D tape-modern
const { test } = require('tape-modern');
test('these tests will all pass', t => {
t.ok(true, 'this time with an optional message');
t.ok('not true, but truthy enough');
t.equal(1 + 1, 2);
t.equal(Math.max(1, 2, 3), 3);
t.throws(() => {
throw new Error('oh no!');
}, /oh no!/);
t.pass('this too shall pass');
test('these tests will not pass', t => {
t.equal(42, '42');
t.equal({}, {});
t.fail('womp womp');
test.skip('this test will not run', t => {
You can create custom assertions by adding methods to assert
const { test, assert } = require('tape-modern');
assert.isArray = (value, msg = 'should be an array') => {
assert.ok(Array.isArray(value), msg);
assert.isNotArray = (value, msg = 'should not be an array') => {
assert.ok(!Array.isArray(value), msg);
test('things that are array-like', t => {
const divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
To run (a) selected test(s), use test.only
test('this test will not run', t => {
// ...
test.only('this test will run', t => {
// ...
test.only('so will this', t => {
// ...
To skip a test, use test.skip
test.skip('this test will be skipped', t => {
// ...
You can check when your tests have finished running with the done
const { done } = require('tape-modern');
// make it visible to e.g. Puppeteer, so that
// we can do `await page.evaluate(() => done)`
window.done = done;