1.2.4 • Published 5 years ago

tardis-client v1.2.4

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Last release
5 years ago


Version Try on RunKit

Node.js client for tardis.dev - historical tick-level cryptocurrency market data replay API.

Provides fast easy to use wrapper for more low level HTTP API with local file based caching build in.


Requires Node.js v12+ installed.

npm install tardis-client


const { TardisClient } = require('tardis-client')
const tardisClient = new TardisClient()

// replay method returns async iterable
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for-await...of

const bitmexDataFeedMessages = tardisClient.replay({
  exchange: 'bitmex',
  from: '2019-05-01',
  to: '2019-05-02',
  filters: [
      channel: 'trade',
      symbols: ['XBTUSD', 'ETHUSD']
      channel: 'orderBookL2',
      symbols: ['XBTUSD']

// this will return all trades and orderBookL2 messages for XBTUSD
// and all trades for ETHUSD for bitmex exchange
// between 2019-05-01T00:00:00.000Z and 2019-05-02T00:00:00.000Z (whole first day of May 2019)
for await (let { message, localTimestamp } of bitmexDataFeedMessages) {
  console.log(localTimestamp, message)

  // local timestamp is a JS Date (UTC) that marks timestamp when given message has been received
  // message is a message object as provided by exchange data feed


tardis-client exports single TardisClient class.

const { TardisClient } = require('tardis-client')


Optional client constructor options

nametypedefault valuedescription
apiKey (optional)string or undefinedundefinedoptional string containing API key for tardis.dev API. If not provided only first day of each month of data is accessible (free access)
cacheDir (optional)string<os.tmpdir>/.tardis-cacheoptional string with path to local dir that will be used as cache location. If not provided default temp dir for given OS will be used.


new TardisClient() // creates new client instance with access only to sample data (first day of each month)
new TardisClient({ apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' }) // creates new client with access to all data for given API key
new TardisClient({ cacheDir: './cache' }) // creates new client with custom cache dir
  • tardisClient.clearCache()

    Clears local file cache - it's an async function.


    const tardisClient = new TardisClient()
    await tardisClient.clearCache()
  • tardisClient.replay(ReplayOptions)

    Replays historical market data messages for given replay options. Returns async iterable with objects of { localTimestamp: Date; message: object } type.

    • localTimestamp is a JS Date object specyfying when message has been received from the exchange real-time data feed.

    • message is and JSON object/array with exactly the same structure as provided by particular exchange.


nametypedefault valuedescription
exchangestring-requested exchange name - see allowed exchanges list
fromstring-requested UTC start date of data feed - (eg: 2019-04-05 or 2019-05-05T00:00:00.000Z)
tostring-requested UTC end date of data feed - (eg: 2019-04-05 or 2019-05-05T00:00:00.000Z)
filters (optional){channel:string, symbols?: string[]}[]undefinedoptional filters of requested data feed. Use /exchanges/:exchange API call to get allowed channel names and symbols for requested exchange


const tardisClient = new TardisClient({ apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' })

// replay returns async iterator
//  https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for-await...of

const coinbaseBTCTradesInMay = tardisClient.replay({
  exchange: 'coinbase',
  from: '2019-05-01',
  to: '2019-06-01',
  filters: [
      channel: 'match',
      symbols: ['BTC-USD']

for await (let { message, localTimestamp } of coinbaseBTCTradesInMay) {


const bimtexPerpTradesAndOrderBookUpdatesInApril = tardisClient.replay({
  exchange: 'bitmex',
  from: '2019-04-01',
  to: '2019-05-01',
  filters: [
      channel: 'trade',
      symbols: ['XBTUSD','ETHUSD']
      channel: 'orderBookL2',
      symbols: ['XBTUSD','ETHUSD']

for await (let { message, localTimestamp } of bimtexPerpTradesAndOrderBookUpdatesInApril) {


const wholeDeribitExchangeDataFeedInFirstOfMay = tardisClient.replay({
  exchange: 'deribit',
  from: '2019-05-01',
  to: '2019-05-02'

for await (let { message, localTimestamp } of wholeDeribitExchangeDataFeedInFirstOfMay) {

  • tardisClient.ReplayRaw(ReplayOptions)

    Replays historical market data messages for given replay options. Accepts the same options as replay method. Returns async iterable with objects of { localTimestamp: Buffer; message: Buffer } type. It's faster than replay (no decoding to objects/dates, just raw buffers), but may manual decoding from buffers depending on the use case.


    const rawDeribitDataFeedMessages = tardisClient.replayRaw({
      exchange: 'deribit',
      from: '2019-05-01',
      to: '2019-05-02'
    for await (let { message, localTimestamp } of rawDeribitDataFeedMessages) {
      // here message and localtimestamps are Node.js buffers


How to debug it if something went wrong?

This lib uses debug package for verbose logging and debugging purposes that can be enabled via DEBUG environment variable set to tardis-client.

Where can I find more details about tardis.dev API?

Check out API docs.

