3.2.2 • Published 7 years ago

tasman-credit-card-input v3.2.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago


This is a version of react-native-credit-card-input


npm i --save react-native-credit-card-input

then add these lines in your react-native codebase

import { CreditCardInput, LiteCreditCardInput } from "react-native-credit-card-input";

<CreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} />
// or
<LiteCreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} />

// Note: You'll need to enable LayoutAnimation on android to see LiteCreditCardInput's animations
// UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental(true);

And then on your onChange handler:

_onChange => form => console.log(form);

// will print:
  valid: true, // will be true once all fields are "valid" (time to enable the submit button)
  values: { // will be in the sanitized and formatted form
  	number: "4242 4242",
  	expiry: "06/19",
  	cvc: "300",
  	type: "visa", // will be one of [null, "visa", "master-card", "american-express", "diners-club", "discover", "jcb", "unionpay", "maestro"]
  	name: "Sam",
  	postalCode: "34567",
  status: {  // will be one of ["incomplete", "invalid", and "valid"]
	number: "incomplete",
	expiry: "incomplete",
	cvc: "incomplete",
	name: "incomplete",
	postalCode: "incomplete",

// Notes:
// cvc, name, & postalCode will only be available when the respective props is enabled (e.g. requiresName, requiresCVC)



autoFocusPropTypes.boolAutomatically focus Card Number field on render
onChangePropTypes.funcReceives a formData object every time the form changes
onFocusPropTypes.funcReceives the name of currently focused field
placeholdersPropTypes.objectDefaults to { number: "1234 5678 1234 5678", expiry: "MM/YY", cvc: "CVC" }
inputStyleText.propTypes.styleStyle for credit-card form's textInput
validColorPropTypes.stringColor that will be applied for valid text input. Defaults to: "{inputStyle.color}"
invalidColorPropTypes.stringColor that will be applied for invalid text input. Defaults to: "red"
placeholderColorPropTypes.stringColor that will be applied for text input placeholder. Defaults to: "gray"


LiteCreditCardInput does not support requiresName, requiresCVC, and requiresPostalCode at the moment, PRs are welcome :party:


autoFocusPropTypes.boolAutomatically focus Card Number field on render
onChangePropTypes.funcReceives a formData object every time the form changes
onFocusPropTypes.funcReceives the name of currently focused field
labelsPropTypes.objectDefaults to { number: "CARD NUMBER", expiry: "EXPIRY", cvc: "CVC/CCV" }
placeholdersPropTypes.objectDefaults to { number: "1234 5678 1234 5678", expiry: "MM/YY", cvc: "CVC" }
cardScalePropTypes.numberScales the credit-card view.Defaults to 1, which translates to { width: 300, height: 190 }
cardFontFamilyPropTypes.stringFont family for the CreditCardView, works best with monospace fonts. Defaults to Courier (iOS) or monospace (android)
cardImageFrontPropTypes.numberImage for the credit-card view e.g. require("./card.png")
cardImageFrontPropTypes.numberImage for the credit-card view e.g. require("./card.png")
labelStyleText.propTypes.styleStyle for credit-card form's labels
inputStyleText.propTypes.styleStyle for credit-card form's textInput
inputContainerStyleView.propTypes.styleStyle for textInput's container Defaults to: { borderBottomWidth: 1, borderBottomColor: "black" }
validColorPropTypes.stringColor that will be applied for valid text input. Defaults to: "{inputStyle.color}"
invalidColorPropTypes.stringColor that will be applied for invalid text input. Defaults to: "red"
placeholderColorPropTypes.stringColor that will be applied for text input placeholder. Defaults to: "gray"
requiresNamePropTypes.boolShows cardholder's name field Default to false
requiresCVCPropTypes.boolShows CVC field Default to true
requiresPostalCodePropTypes.boolShows postalCode field Default to false
validatePostalCodePropTypes.funcFunction to validate postalCode, expects incomplete, valid, or invalid as return values
allowScrollPropTypes.boolenables horizontal scrolling on CreditCardInput Defaults to false
cardBrandIconsPropTypes.objectbrand icons for CardView. see ./src/Icons.js for details


focusedPropTypes.stringDetermines the front face of the card
brandPropTypes.stringBrand of the credit card
namePropTypes.stringCardholder's name (Use empty string if you need to hide the placeholder)
numberPropTypes.stringCredit card number (you'll need to the formatting yourself)
expiryPropTypes.stringCredit card expiry (should be in MM/YY format)
cvcPropTypes.stringCredit card CVC
placeholderPropTypes.objectPlaceholder texts
scalePropTypes.numberScales the card
fontFamilyPropTypes.stringDefaults to Courier and monospace in iOS and Android respectively
imageFrontPropTypes.numberImage for the credit-card
imageBackPropTypes.numberImage for the credit-card
customIconsPropTypes.objectbrand icons for CardView. see ./src/Icons.js for details



Set values into credit card form

	// sets 4242 on credit card number field
	// other fields will stay unchanged
	this.refs.CCInput.setValues({ number: "4242" });

Known issues: clearing a field e.g. setValues({ expiry: "" }) will trigger the logic to move to previous field and trigger other kind of weird side effects. PR plz


focus on to specified field

	// focus to expiry field


In the example directory, run:

npm install

react-native run-ios
# or
react-native run-android