1.1.2 • Published 7 years ago
tbav3 v1.1.2
Node.js wrapper for The Blue Alliance api.
Another one?!
This API was inspired by frc7308's bluealliance bindings, and uses many of their concepts and naming conventions, but as I looked through their code, I decided that I needed a rewrite based more on node.js, using built-in libraries (namely https rather than 3rd-party XMLHttpRequest), removing class-like function calls (ex:)
var team;
tba.getTeam(4418).then((team) => {
tba.getEventsForTeam(team).then((events) => {
(translates to java as:)
new EventsForTeam(new Team(4418));
which makes it much simpler for someone with background in java to pick it up. You should definitely check theirs out though, if you are more java-minded and want things to work like your robot code with less of a learning curve. This api attempts to rewrite the one from frc7308 to conform to Node.js coding practices.
var tba = new (require("tbav3"))("api_key");
var BlueAlliance = require("tbav3");
var tba = new BlueAlliance("api_key");
Methods (Better descriptions coming soon)
tba.callTBA(request).then((data) => {
tba.getTeam(teamNumber).then((team) => {
tba.getTeamAtEvent(teamNumber,eventCode,/*optional*/ year).then((rankings) => {
tba.getMatchesForTeam(teamNumber,eventCode,/*optional*/ year).then((matches) => {
doStuff(matches); //Pre-sorted in chronological order
tba.getNextMatch(teamNumber,eventCode).then((match) => {