0.3.10 • Published 4 years ago

tbc-common-helpers v0.3.10

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4 years ago

TBC Common React App Helpers Modules

Common Helpers for all Trinidad Benham React apps, including:

  • CommonDropDown
  • Icons
  • LabeledInput
  • MultiSelect


npm install --save tbc-common-helpers


CommonDropDown Component:

Common Drop Down takes a dictionary or array of data objects and returns a group of option tags (for use within a select).

import CommonDropDown from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/CommonDropDown";

Within a select tag or React Component equivalent, place:

<CommonDropDown {...props} />

CommonDropDown props

optionsArrayRequired*nullArray of data objects to be converted to a list. Either this or dictionary must be provided
dictionaryObjectRequired*nullObject of data objects to be converted to a list. Either this or options must be provided
sortByStringOptional"nm"Sets how the return options are sorted; by default this is by the "nm" key
optionValueCodeStringOptional"cd"By default the values of each option will be the data object's "cd"; use this prop if another key should be used instead
optionDisplayCodeStringOptional"nmBy default the display name for each option will be the data object's "nm"; use this prop if another key should be used instead
noBlankFirstLineBooleanOptionalfalseBy default a blank line will be provided at the top of the option list; set this flag if no blank line should be provided
ignoreActiveFlagBooleanOptionalfalseBy default, only data items with an "act" flag set to true will be displayed in the option list; use this flag to display all items, regardless of "act" flag
defaultValueObjectOptionalnullIf a defaultValue object is provided, this object will be displayed at the top of the option list, beneath the blank blank line (if applicable). The defaultValue object looks like {optionValueCode: "value", optionalDisplayCode: "Default Value"}

Expected data format


CommonDropDown expects the options array to look like this:

        cd: "CODE",
        nm: "Name",
        act: true,
        cd: "INACT",
        nm: "Inactive Value",
        act: false,

Other key/values can be provided, but these will not be used by the CommonDropDown unless set so by the props.


CommonDropDown expect the dictionary object to look like this:

    CODE: {
        nm: "Name",
        act: true,
    INACT: {
        nm: "Inactive Value",
        act: false,

By default, the key of each item will be used as the value, although this can be modified via props, as can the display name.

Icons Component:

Icons component contains three pre-build dynamic icons.

import { RequiredIcon, WarningIcon, SavedIcon, YesNoIcon } from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/Icons";


This is a small icon that can be placed at the end of a field label for a required field; it has a tool tip stating "Required Field"

<RequiredIcon notRequired={!required} />
notRequiredBooleanOptionalfalseFlag that determines if the required icon is not needed (if set to true, the RequiredIcon does not display). The purpose of this is to add a conditional flag to the icon to simplify conditional required


This is a small icon that can be placed where ever a warning can be placed.

<WarningIcon {...props} />
showBooleanOptionalfalseFlag that determines if the warning icon should be displayed
toolTipStringOptional""Text of the tooltip (mouse over) of the icon
cssClassesStringOptional""Additional css classes that can be applied to the warning icon


This icon shows a red file or green upload icon depending on if the "saved" flag prop is provided.

<SavedIcon saved={saved} />
savedBooleanOptionalfalseFlag that determines if the icon is in "unsaved" or "saved" mode


This icon shows a red x in a circle for prop of false and a green check in a circle for prop of true.

<YesNoIcon boolean={boolean} />
booleanBooleanOptionalfalseFlag that determines if the icon is in "yes" or "no" mode

LabeledInput Component:

This takes the potentially large and oft-repeated Formik field input and simplifies it into a single React component.

import LabeledInput from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/LabeledInput";

    title="Input Title"
    columnWidths={[6, 6]}
nameStringRequired""The field name, used by Formik
titleStringRequired*""Text of the input label
formPropsObjectRequired{}Formik props passed into its form
typeStringOptional"input"Type of input: "input" for text input field, and "select" for a drop down
childrenReact.ComponentOptionalnullIf "select" type is chosen, this is the list of drop down option tags, typically using the <CommonDropDown /> component. Alternatively, this can be used with "input" type to render a custom input component.
onChangeFunctionOptionalformProps.handleChange()Optional additional handleChange handler, beyond the one provided by Formik
columnWidthsArrayOptional6 , 6The Bootstrap column widths of Label and Input (respectively)
disabledBooleanOptionalfalseFlag; if true, input is disabled
requiredBooleanOptionalfalseFlag; if true, the <RequiredIcon /> is displayed within the label, and the field become required
warningMessageStringOptional""If provided, a <WarningIcon /> will be displayed in the label, with the message as its tooltip
validateFunctionOptionalnullIf required flag is set and the required validation is more than just whether or not a value is returned, this Function determines if requirements are met. Example: validate={() => isNumber(formProps.values.thisField())} If no validate function is provided, validation will be done on whether or not the field is populated.
classNameStringOptional""Optional class names applied to entire input component
fieldClassNameStringOptional"Optional class names applied only to input label

MultiSelect Component:

MultiSelect is a specialized input select component that allows for multiple items within a drop down to be selected and displayed. It uses react-select as a foundation.

import MultiSelect from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/MultiSelect";

MultiSelect is placed within a Formik Field tag. NOTE: MultiSelect is not compatible with <LabeledInput />.

{field => (
        onChange={sel => {
            formProps.setFieldValue("title", sel);
optionListArrayRequirednullThe array of input option objects; option objects should look like { value: item.cd, label: item.nm }
onChangeFunctionRequirednullonChange event (Formik default onChange event is not passed into MultiSelect)
fieldObjectRequired{}Props passed from Formik Field component
codeStringOptional"cd"By default, MultiSelect will use the "cd" key from the optionsList array as its value; use this prop if another key should be used
nameStringOptional"nm"By default, MultiSelect will use the "nm" key from the optionsList array as its display name; use this prop if another key should be used
closeMenuOnSelectBooleanOptionalfalseIf set to true, this flag causes the selection drop down to close upon a choice being made
customClassStringOptional""Any custom classes to be used by the MultiSelect
disabledBooleanOptionalfalseDisabled flag


The values returned by MultiSelect is an array of { value: item.cd, label: item.nm } objects (same format as the optionsList input).

CheckboxInput Component:


This is similar to LabeledInput except it provides a label and checkbox

import CheckboxInput from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/CheckboxInput";

    columnWidths={[6, 6]}
nameStringRequired""The field name, used by Formik
titleStringRequired""Text of the input label
formPropsObjectRequired{}Formik props passed into its form
columnWidthsArrayOptional6 , 6The Bootstrap column widths of Label and Input (respectively)
isDisabledBooleanOptionalfalseFlag; if true, input is disabled
isRequiredBooleanOptionalfalseFlag; if true, the <RequiredIcon /> is displayed within the label, and the field become required


This component also contains the stand-alone checkbox, which can be used separately from the label.

import { Checkbox } from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/CheckboxInput";

titleStringRequired""Text of the input label
formPropsObjectRequired{}Formik props passed into its form
isDisabledBooleanOptionalfalseFlag; if true, input is disabled

DateTimeInput Component:

Date/Time input and label, using react-datepicker within Formik Field.

import DateTimeInput from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/DateTimeInput";

    columnWidths={[6, 6]}
    placeHolderText="Select Date and Time"
    visualDateFormat="MMMM d, yyyy h:mm aa"
    dataDateFormat="MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A"
nameStringRequired""The field name, used by Formik
titleStringRequired""Text of the input label
formPropsObjectRequired{}Formik props passed into its form
columnWidthsArrayOptional6 , 6The Bootstrap column widths of Label and Input (respectively)
placeHolderTextStringOptional""Text that will appear in field until values are entered
isDisabledBooleanOptionalfalseFlag; if true, input is disabled
isRequiredBooleanOptionalfalseFlag; if true, the <RequiredIcon /> is displayed within the label, and the field become required
fieldClassStringOptional""Optional class names applied to input field
calendarClassStringOptional""Optional class names applied to calendar popper
visualDateFormatStringOptional"MMMM d, yyyy h:mm aa"Optional format for date as displayed
dataDateFormatStringOptional"MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A"Optional format for date used by data/form
showTimeSelectBooleanOptionaltrueFlag; if true, time selection is available
timeIntervalsNumberOptional15Optional increments used by time selection
timeFormatStringOptional"HH:mm"Optional format for time in selection
timeCaptionStringOptional"Time"Optional caption for time selection

Edit/Save Component:

A single component that replaces need for separate "Edit" and "Save" buttons (displayed based on state). Button component with two states: a single button with text "Edit" and a pair of buttons for "Save" and "Cancel".

import EditSaveButton from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/EditSaveButton";

  toggleFunc={() => {
  saveFunc={() => {
  cancelFunc={() => {
isDisabledBooleanOptionalfalseflag; if "true" then "Edit" mode is disabled
isSaveModeBooleanRequiredfalseflag; if "true" then mode switches to "SaveCancel"
toggleFuncFunctionRequired() => {}Function fired when "Edit" is pressed, typically switching the value provided to the "isSaveMode" prop
saveFuncFunctionRequired() => {}Function fired when "Save" is pressed; NOTE: this does not automatically fire toggleFunc, so that should be provided separately if desired
cancelFuncFunctionOptionalsame as toggleFuncFunction fired when "Save" is pressed; NOTE: if nothing is provided, then toggleFunc will be fired, but toggleFunc isn't fired automatically if a function is provided to the cancelFunc prop
isSaveDisabledBooleanOptionalfalseflag; if "true" then "Save" button is disabled
alignStringOptional"right""right" or "left"; the alignment of the buttons

ConfirmationButton Component:

Button component with two states: a single button with customizable text and a pair of buttons for "Save" and "Cancel". Replaces the need for some confirmation modals.

import ConfirmationButton from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/ConfirmationButton";

    class: "btn-secondary",
    text: "Edit",
    icon: "far fa-edit",
    isDisabled: false
  message="Are you sure?"
primaryButtonObjectRequired{}Object containing button class, text, icon, and isDisabled flag
confirmedFuncFunctionRequired() => {}Function fired upon confirmation
messageStringOptional"Confirm?"Tooltip message explaining why there is a confirmation
alignStringOptional"right""right" or "left"; the alignment of the buttons

InputWithButton Component:

Text input component with integration button.

import InputWithButton from "tbc-common-helpers/dist/InputWithButton";

  columnWidths={[6, 6]}
  buttonIcon={"fas fa-search"}
  buttonFunction={() => {
nameStringRequired""The field name, used by Formik
titleStringRequired""Text of the input label
formPropsObjectRequired{}Formik props passed into its form
columnWidthsArrayOptional6 , 6The Bootstrap column widths of Label and Input (respectively)
isDisabledBooleanOptionalfalseFlag; if true, input is disabled
isRequiredBooleanOptionalfalseFlag; if true, the <RequiredIcon /> is displayed within the label, and the field become required
buttonIconStringOptional"fas fa-search"Icon used by Button
buttonClassStringOptional"btn-primary"Class used by Button (beyond "btn")
buttonPositionStringOptional"end"Is button before ("start") or after ("end") text input field
isButtonDisabledBooleanOptionalfalseflag; If true button is disabled
buttonFunctionFunctionRequired() => {}Function fired when button is pressed

Required NPM Packages

npm install --save formik react-select react-datepicker lodash moment framer-motion


For any unit test file that deep renders ("mounts") this imported component, add the following:

jest.mock("tbc-common-helpers/dist/CommonDropDown", () => "div"); jest.mock("tbc-common-helpers/dist/Icons", () => "div"); jest.mock("tbc-common-helpers/dist/LabeledInput", () => "div"); jest.mock("tbc-common-helpers/dist/MultiSelect", () => "div"); jest.mock("tbc-common-helpers/dist/CheckboxInput", () => "div"); jest.mock("tbc-common-helpers/dist/DateTimeInput", () => "div"); jest.mock("tbc-common-helpers/dist/EditSaveButton", () => "div"); jest.mock("tbc-common-helpers/dist/ConfirmationButton", () => "div"); jest.mock("tbc-common-helpers/dist/InputWithButton", () => "div");


  • 0.3.0: Addition of CheckboxInput, DateTimeInput, EditSaveButton, ConfirmationButton, InputWithButton components
  • 0.3.7: Updated Boolean naming convention in new components (to "isSomething" or "showSomething" instead of just "something")