tbc-lib-js v1.0.3
Javascript Turing BC library.
To get started, just npm install tbc-lib-js
Please see ./doc for documents details.
A transaction construct demo program:
const Transaction = require('tbc-lib-js/lib/transaction/transaction');
const PrivateKey = require('tbc-lib-js/lib/privatekey');
const Address = require('tbc-lib-js/lib/address');
const Script = require('tbc-lib-js/lib/script');
const Signature = require('tbc-lib-js/lib/crypto/signature'); // Import the Signature module
const Mnemonic = require('tbc-lib-js/lib/mnemonic/mnemonic');
const PublicKey = require('tbc-lib-js/lib/publickey');
// generate mnemonic
//const mnemonic = new Mnemonic();
const mnemonic = Mnemonic.fromString(
"word word word word word word word word word word word word",
// get HDPrivateKey from mnemonic
const HDPrivateKey = mnemonic.toHDPrivateKey('','livenet');
// create private key from seed with compressed format
// will sign the transaction with this private key
const DerivationPath = "m/44'/236'/0'/1/0";
const derivedHDPrivateKey =HDPrivateKey.deriveChild(DerivationPath);
const privateKey = derivedHDPrivateKey.privateKey;
// get public key from private key
const publicKey = privateKey.toPublicKey();
// get WIF private key
const wif = privateKey.toWIF();
// get address from private key
const address = privateKey.toAddress();
// print results
console.log('private key:', privateKey.toString());
console.log('public key:', publicKey.toString());
console.log('WIF private key (compressed):', wif);
console.log('mnemonic:', mnemonic.phrase);
console.log('address:', address.toString());
// Create a new transaction
const transaction = new Transaction();
// Add the first input
const utxo1 = {
txId: '<txid>',
outputIndex: 0,
script: new Script('<lockingScript>'),
satoshis: 50000000
//Add the second input
// const utxo2 = {
// txId: '<txid>',
// outputIndex: 1,
// script: new Script('<script>'),
// satoshis: 50000000
// };
// transaction.from(utxo2);
// Set the output
const toAddress = new Address('1Jb...');
const amount = 40000000;
transaction.to(toAddress, amount);
// Set the change address
const changeAddress = new Address('1B2...');
// Set the fee
const fee = 1000;
// Set the transaction version
transaction.version = 10;
// Explicitly sign each input
transaction.sign(privatekey, Signature.SIGHASH_ALL | Signature.SIGHASH_FORKID);
//transaction.sign(privateKey2, Signature.SIGHASH_ALL | Signature.SIGHASH_FORKID);
// Serialize the transaction
const serializedTransaction = transaction.serialize();
console.log('Serialized Transaction:', serializedTransaction);
Create FT
FT Issuance on Turing Blockchain using tbc-lib-js
This document provides a step-by-step guide for issuing an FT (Fungible Token) on the Turing blockchain using the tbc-lib-js
library. The guide is beginner-friendly and covers key concepts such as setting up a wallet, creating a transaction, and issuing an FT.
To get started, install the library using the following command:
npm install tbc-lib-js
FT Issuance Program The following program demonstrates how to issue an FT using a UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) on the Turing blockchain. It includes creating a new transaction, adding inputs and outputs, signing the transaction, and retrieving the serialized transaction hex.
import { FT } from 'tbc-lib-js/lib/contract/ft'
import * as tbc from 'tbc-lib-js';
* Step 1: Set up the wallet private key and address.
* This private key will be used to sign the transaction.
const privateKeyA = tbc.PrivateKey.fromString('L1u2TmR7hMMMSV9Bx2Lyt3sujbboqEFqnKygnPRnQERhKB4qptuK');
const publicKeyA = tbc.PublicKey.fromPrivateKey(privateKeyA);
const addressA = tbc.Address.fromPrivateKey(privateKeyA).toString();
* Step 2: Define token parameters.
const ftName = 'test_usdt';
const ftSymbol = 'test_usdt';
const ftDecimal = 10;
const ftAmount = 2.1;
async function main() {
try {
* Step 3: Create a new token instance.
const newToken = new FT({
name: ftName,
symbol: ftSymbol,
amount: ftAmount,
decimal: ftDecimal
* Step 4: Mint new tokens and broadcast the transaction.
const mintTX = await newToken.MintFT(privateKeyA, addressA); // Step 4.1: Create mint transaction
await newToken.broadcastTXraw(mintTX); // Step 4.2: Broadcast mint transaction
* Step 5: Initialize an existing token and perform a transfer.
const Token = new FT('ee8d97e5953a6843c3269a7ce3ae4c5264b7af8539fa07764a7f0cf260bf5eb5'); // Step 5.1: Initialize token with existing TXID
await Token.initialize(); // Step 5.2: Initialize token parameters
const transferTX = await Token.transfer(privateKeyA, addressB, 0.02); // Step 5.3: Create transfer transaction
await Token.broadcastTXraw(transferTX); // Step 5.4: Broadcast transfer transaction
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);