0.0.1 • Published 1 month ago

teamplay v0.0.1

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1 month ago


Deep signals ORM for React with real-time collaboration


  • signals *
  • multiplayer **
  • ORM
  • auto-sync data from client to DB and vice-versa ***
  • query DB directly from client ***

* deep signals -- with support for objects and arrays\ ** concurrent changes to the same data are auto-merged using OT\ *** similar to Firebase but with your own MongoDB-compatible database


Client-only mode

If you just want a client-only mode without any data being synced to the server, then you don't need to setup anything and can jump directly to Usage.

Synchronization of data with server

Enable the connection on client somewhere early in your client app:

import connect from 'teamplay/connect'

And on the server, manually create a ShareDB's backend and create a connection handler for WebSockets:

import { initConnection } from 'teamplay/server'
const { upgrade } = initConnection(backend) // ShareDB's Backend instance
server.on('upgrade', upgrade) // Node's 'http' server instance




Simplest example with server synchronization

On the client we connect() to the server, and we have to wrap each React component into observer():

// client.js
import connect from 'teamplay/connect'
import { observer, $, sub } from 'teamplay'
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'
import { createElement as el } from 'react'


const App = observer(({ userId }) => {
  const $user = sub($.users[userId])
  if (!$user.get()) throw $user.set({ points: 0 })
  const { $points } = $user
  const onClick = () => $points.set($points.get() + 1)
  return el('button', { onClick }, 'Points: ' + $points.get())

const container = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
  el(App, { userId: '_1' })

On the server we create the ShareDB backend and initialize the WebSocket connections handler:

// server.js
import http from 'http'
import { ShareDB, initConnection } from 'teamplay/server'

const server = http.createServer() // you can pass expressApp here if needed
const backend = new ShareDB()
const { upgrade } = initConnection(backend)

server.on('upgrade', upgrade)


ShareDB is a re-export of sharedb library, check its docs for more info.

  • for persistency and queries support pass sharedb-mongo (which uses MongoDB) as { db }
  • when deploying to a cluster with multiple instances you also have to provide { pubsub } like sharedb-redis-pubsub (which uses Redis)
