0.2.5 • Published 1 year ago

techradar-component v0.2.5

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1 year ago


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This is a TypeScript React component for displaying a tech radar, with customizable quadrants, rings, and items.


To contribute to techradar-component, report issues on GitHub with details and steps to reproduce. For pull requests, follow coding guidelines, describe your changes, and ensure tests pass. Your participation helps improve the project for the community.


To install, run:

npm install techradar-component


yarn add techradar-component


To use, import the TechRadar component from techradar-component and provide the necessary props:

import React from 'react';
import { TechRadar } from 'techradar-component';

type RadarProps = {
  quadrants: string[];
  rings?: string[];
  data?: {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    quadrant: string;
    ring: string;
  width?: number;
  fontSize?: number;
  itemFontSize?: number;
  colorScaleIndex?: number;
  radiusDiminish?: number;

const setup: RadarProps  = {
    rings: ['adopt', 'trial', 'assess', 'hold'],
    quadrants: ['tools', 'techniques', 'platforms', 'languages'],
    data: [
        id: 1,
        name: 'D3',
        quadrant: 'tools',
        ring: 'assess',
        id: 2,
        name: 'TypeScript',
        quadrant: 'languages',
        ring: 'trial',
        id: 3,
        name: 'Storybook',
        quadrant: 'tools',
        ring: 'adopt',

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (


PropTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
quadrantsstring[]Yes-An array of strings representing the quadrants of the radar chart
ringsstring[]No-An array of strings representing the rings of the radar chart
dataDataType[]No-An array of objects with the following properties: id, name, quadrant, ring
widthnumberNo700pxThe width of the TechRadar component
fontSizenumberNo12pxThe radius of the radar chart
itemFontSizenumberNo12pxItem size differentiation than quadrant titles
colorScaleIndexnumberNo200The item fontSize
radiusDiminishnumberNo2The factor in which the rings are equal


This component is licensed under the MIT License.