1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

teemsly-authorization-beta v1.0.0

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3 years ago

Teemsly Authorization and Protected Router

Authorization to protect component or element base on permission or role,and protected router base on authorities.


There two arguments to use this function, first is authorities and the second one is hasAnyAuthotities. The first agrument is define from the user role or permission, and second argument define for the permission that allowed.

import hasAnyAuthority from "teemsly-authorization"

const isAuthorization = hasAnyAuthority(["ADMIN"], ["ADMIN", "USER"]);

console.log(isAuthorization) // return to true

In the code above will return true, because the user has authorization as ADMIN and on the second argument has defined ADMIN as the default authorization.

Protected Router Using React Router

In this protected router use react-router-dom as router. for example let's see the example below.

import { PrivateRouteReact, PrivateRouteReactContext } from "teemsly-authorization"

const Home = () => {
  return (
      Home Page

const Admin = () => {
  return (
      Admin Page

<PrivateRouteReactContext.Provider value={{
        authorities: ["ADMIN"],
        unAuthorizedUrl: "/403",
        loginUrl: "/login-2",
        isAuthenticated: false,

      <PrivateRouteReact path="/home" component={Home} hasAuthorities={["USER", "ADMIN"]} />
      <PrivateRouteReact path="/admin" component={Admin} hasAuthorities={["ADMIN"]}/>
      <Route path="/login" component={Login} />
