0.1.4 • Published 9 years ago
telegram-flobot v0.1.4
Telegram Flobot
Telegram bot API for representing menu flows as a state machine.
Creates a finite state machine where the text sent to the bot is matched by a regular expression and then the next state to transition to is matched accordingly.
Each state can send multiple messages, display a keyboard of choices, and run custom control code.
npm install telegram-flobot --save
var flobot = require('telegram-flobot');
var telegram_token = '...';
var Root = {
//...state machine stuff...
Platform: NodeJS Dependencies: node-telegram-bot-api License: GPL v3
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You can support the development of telegram-flobot via Bitcoin & DASH Donation Addresses are:
Bitcoin: 1CASHmw3urdUij1hN3FgtST49zMrSu7Xer DASH: XdGNVTvriaz8gZP8Uwm4KCrwLB3JZQTXFN