1.0.5 • Published 11 days ago

telegramds v1.0.5

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11 days ago

Create a telegram bot: https://www.directual.com/lesson-library/how-to-create-a-telegram-bot

In order to use the module, you must generate a config

const telegramds = require("telegramds")
const telegramBotToken = "xxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // create a bot on telegram and replace the varbiable with ur bot token
const customPassphrase = "ANyTHING YOU WANT" // should not be any longer than 64 characters

const config = telegramds.genconfig(customPassphrase, telegramBotToken) // ur config will be outputted to the console in json
console.log(config) // copy the config for future uses

telegramds.run(JSON.parse(config), __dirname)

After running this script, go to telegram and dm your bot "/chatid"

It should respond with a number, copy this number and put it as the "chatid" field in ur config its a number, not a string

Now, copy ur config and use it everytime you want to run the DS, example:

const telegramds = require("telegramds")
telegramds.run({/* YOUR CONFIGURATION */}, __dirname, function(){
    console.log("Telegram bot online!")

(async() =>{
    // Saving a string
    await telegramds.save("string", "content of the string here", "mycustomstring")
    console.log(await telegramds.get("mycustomstring")) // "content of the string here"

    // Deleting data
    await telegramds.del("mycustomstring")
    console.log(await telegramds.get("mycustomstring")) // null

    // to access the bot:
    const bot = telegramds.bot
    // bot.on
    // bot.sendMessage
    // documentation for bot: https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-telegram-bot-api

Saving methods:

"string" | Supports string

"gif" <filepath: string | Binary> | Supports .gif

"image" <filepath: string | Binary> | Supports .png, .jpg, .jpeg - any image file

"doc" <filepath: string | Binary> | Supports .txt, .lua - any other text file


11 days ago


11 days ago


11 days ago


12 days ago


12 days ago


12 days ago