1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

telescope-sdk v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago

Telescope Server Development Kit

This project is a work in progress.

How to use

You need to be a member of the BBC NPM organisation. To get access visit https://github.com/bbc/npm



A function to return TLS config using client cosmos certs

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-tls
import tls from '@bbc/telescope-sdk-tls';
import request from 'request';
  method: 'GET',
  uri: '',
  agentOptions: tls(),
}, (err, res, body) => {
  // handle callback

Content Store

A class to retrieve data from the Content Store

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-content-store
import ContentStore from '@bbc/telescope-content-store';
const cs = new ContentStore({
  key: 'APIKEY',
await cs.getAssetByCurie('curie');
await cs.getAssetByCPSID('id');
await cs.getAssetByUri('uri');

Creative Works

A class to retrieve data from Creative Works

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-creative-works
import CreativeWorks from '@bbc/telescope-creative-works';
const cs = new CreativeWorks({
  key: 'APIKEY',
await cs.getTagByGuid('guid');
CreativeWorks.getTagByGuid('guid', { key: 'APIKEY' });


A class to retrieve the author of a piece of work

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-cps
import CPS from '@bbc/telescope-sdk-cps';
const cps = new CPS();
await cps.getByAssetId('assetid');


A helper class for our Redis implemnation

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-redis
import Redis from '@bbc/telescope-sdk-redis';
const redis =new Redis({
  host: '',
await redis.get('item');


A helper function for gathering enviroment variables

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-config
import config from '@bbc/telescope-config';
const config = config();


A class to retrieve data on a tag

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-things
import Thing from '@bbc/telescope-sdk-things';
const thing = new Thing({
  key: 'API-KEY',
const res = thing.getTagByGuid('guid');


A class to handle a asyncronious tasks

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-pipeline
import Pipeline from '@bbc/telescope-sdk-pipeline';
const pipeline = new Pipeline({}, 'context');


A class to handle retreiving video metadata. Accepts an eight character Programme ID.

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-nitro
import Nitro from '@bbc/telescope-sdk-nitro';
const nitro = new Nitro({
  key: 'API-KEY',
const res = nitro.pid('pid');

SQS Parse

A helper function to parse SQS messages exposing the body of the payload

npm i @bbc/telescope-sdk-sqs-parse
const parsedMessage = sqsParse(sqsRawMessage);


Telescope-SDK uses Lerna, Jest and Typescript all of which need to be installed locally

Clone and install dependancies

To modify or create any services clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/bbc/telescope-sdk.git
npm i

Create a new package

If you need to create a new package, use Lerna to adminster the change from the root directory

lerna create {packagename}

Publish packages

Once you have finished creating or editing packages, create a pull request and merge into master. Your code should not not have any type any implicity and include 100% code coverages for tests

Once the PR has been merged, this will kick off a lerna publish event which will reversion the packages and publish to NPM

Package laylout

Each package within the SDK could have a JEST config file, TSLint rules, TSconfig and a babel config.

-src (where your typescript lives)
-lib (where your typescript compiles to JS lives + exported typedefinitions)
-test (test director)

Only commit the lib to your NPM package.