1.1.1 • Published 9 years ago

tempistry v1.1.1

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9 years ago


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ultra light-weight registry for serializing javascript templates and applying pre/post render logic


npm install tempistry

Uses temper for compilation, so supports the following rendering engines:

  • jade
  • ejs
  • hogan.js
  • mustache
  • handlebars

Server Side

var tempistry = require('tempistry');

var templateString = tempistry.serialize('/my/templates/file.jade');

// you can send this to the browser as a string and call the function
var clientJS = "var myTemplate = " + templateString;

You can also grab the full template data object that temper provides by passing true as the second param

var data = tempistry.serialize('/my/templates/file.jade', true);

Browserify Transform

If you're using Browserify, the easiest way to plug tempistry into your pipeline is via the included transform, tempistry/transform. You can then require your template files directly and have them automatically registered with tempistry.

# Via cli
browserify -t tempistry/transform main.js
// Via api
var b = browserify().transform('tempistry/transform');
// register pre-render hook
var tempistry = require('tempistry');

tempistry.on('pre-render', function(data) {
	data.helpers = myViewHelpers;

var template = require('./things.jade');

// *helpers* will be available in the template due to the pre-render hook above
var html = template({
	name: 'Kellan'


Tempistry runs in the browser w/ browserify and acts as a registry to hook pre/post render logic into. This is useful for mixing in common view data such as formatting helpers. It works well when combined with the server side serialize() function, but you can register any function you want with it.

var tempistry = require('tempistry');

// register functions w/ the global tempistry lib, receive the template function back
var template = tempistry.register(function() { /** function string provided from server-side tempistry.serialize() call*/});

// mixin pre/post render logic
tempistry.on('pre-render', function(data) {
    // override "name"
    data.name = 'asher';

// wire in post-render logic, receiving the data that was rendered and the html string
tempistry.on('post-render', function(result) {
    console.log(result.data.name); // asher
    console.log(result.html); // html string returned from template fn

// call the template function
var html = template({
    name: 'kellan'

// name will be 'asher' in the html produced


This software is free to use under the Yahoo! Inc. BSD license. See the LICENSE file for license text and copyright information.

Third-pary open source code used are listed in our package.json file.