1.1.4 • Published 3 years ago

termux-api-wrapper v1.1.4

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Last release
3 years ago


NPM Version Dependency Status JavaScript Style Guide

Comprehensive Node.js module for Termux-API


  1. Make sure you've first installed the termux-api on your Android device.
  2. Then install the scripts with apt install termux-api.
  3. Finally get this node module:

    $ npm install --save termux-api-wrapper

Example usage

const api = require('termux-api-wrapper')

if (!api.hasTermux) {
   console.error('Cannot init termux-api');

   .values(['One', 'Two'])
   .title('Select a number!')

Available methods

Every command instance has the .run() method that must be used to execute the command. It always return a Promise (eventually with results).

.toast()Show a toast message
set the text to show.text(<str>)
show the toast for a short while.transient()
.vibrate()Vibrate your phone
set the duration in milliseconds.duration(<ms>)
force vibration even in silent mode.force()
.batteryStatus()Get the status of the device battery
.cameraInfo()Get info about device camera(s)
.cameraPhoto()Take a photo and save it to a file (JPEG format)
select the camera by ID.camera(<id>)
output photo file (NB. use an absolute path!).outputFile(<str>)
.clipboardGet()Get the system clipboard text
.clipboardSet()Set the system clipboard text
text to copy in clipboard.text(<str>)
.contactList()Set the system clipboard text
.contactList()List all contacts
.dialog()Show a text entry dialog
dialog title.title(<str>)
hint to show when input is empty.hint(<str>)
use a textarea with multiple lines.multipleLines()
enter the input as a password.password()
.download()Download a resource using the download manager
set the resource to download.url(<str>)
title for the download request.title(<str>)
description for the download request.description(<str>)
.infraredFrequencies()Query the infrared transmitter's supported carrier frequencies
.infraredTransmit()Transmit an infrared pattern
specify the pattern to transmit as array of numbers.frequency(<Array>)
.location()Get the device location
location provider (gps/network/passive).provider(<enum>)
kind of request to make (once/last/updates).request(<enum>)
.notification()Display a system notification
notification content to show.content(<str>)
notification id (will overwrite any previous notification with the same id).id(<int>)
notification title to show.title(<str>)
notification url when clicking on it.url(<str>)
notification action when clicking on button1.button1(<str>, <str>)
notification action when clicking on button2.button2(<str>, <str>)
notification action when clicking on button3.button3(<str>, <str>)
notification action when tapping on it.tap(<str>)
notification action when deleting it.delete(<str>)
notification image to show.image(<path>)
makes notification unremovable, need .id.pin()
.share()share a file specified as argument
provide a file to share.file(<path>)
which action to perform on the file (edit/send/view).action(<enum>)
content-type to use (default: guessed from file extension).contentType(<str>)
share to the default receiver instead of showing a chooser.default()
title to use for shared content (default: shared file name).title(<str>)
.smsInbox()List received SMS messages
show dates when messages were created.date()
limit in sms list (default: 10).limit(<int>)
show phone numbers.showNumbers()
offset in sms list (default: 0).offset(<int>)
.smsSend()Send a SMS message to the specified recipient number(s)
Recipient number(s), gotta be an Array.numbers(<Array>)
The SMS text.text(<str>)
.telephonyCellInfo()Get information about all observed cell information from all radios on the device
.telephonyDeviceInfo()Get information about the telephony device
.ttsEngines()Get information about the available text-to-speech (TTS) engines
.ttsSpeak()Speak text with a system text-to-speech (TTS) engine
Text to speak, passed to the engine.text(<str>)
TTS engine to use, see .ttsEngines().engine(<id>)
language to use (may be unsupported by the engine).language(<enum>)
pitch to use in speech (1.0 is normal).pitch(<num>)
speech rate to use (1.0 is normal).rate(<num>)
audio stream to use (ALARM/MUSIC/NOTIFICATION/RING/SYSTEM/VOICE_CALL).stream(<enum>)


It uses has-termux-api to check if termux-api is installed.


Set the env DEBUG: DEBUG=termux
