0.0.1-alpha.6 • Published 2 months ago

ternimal v0.0.1-alpha.6

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2 months ago


This is an alpha version of the package: currently untested and is considered unstable. Usage and API may change at any time. Use at your own risk.



Minimal readline interface wrapper for interactive CLIs.

This project was inspired by serverline.

ternimal example preview


npm install ternimal


Import the module (ESM only):

import readline from 'readline';
import create from 'ternimal';

const term = create(() => ({
  stdin: process.stdin,
  stdout: process.stdout,
  stderr: process.stderr, // optional
  rl: readline.createInterface({
    prompt: '> ',
    input: process.stdin, // should match options.stdin
    output: process.stdout // should match options.stdout

term.rl.on('line', () => {
term.console.log('Hello %s!', 'World');
Hello World!


See example usage that leverages popular CLI tools like inquirer and ora.


Type: (init: InitFunction) => Terminal

The create(init) function returns the terminal instance and requires an init function that returns an options object.



Type: readline.Interface | readline.promises.Interface

The readline interface instance.

The input and output streams for this instance should match the stdin and stdout options respectively.


Type: NodeJS.ReadableStream

The stdin read stream. Should match the input from the rl instance.


Type: NodeJS.WritableStream

The stdout write stream. Should match the output from the rl instance.


Type: NodeJS.WritableStream (optional)

The stderr write stream.


The Terminal object contains the following properties and methods.


Type: readline.Interface | readline.promises.Interface

The readline interface instance.

This is the same rl instance passed through the terminal options.


Type: Console

The console instance.

Logging through this console will write the output above the prompt line. The write streams (stdout, stderr) for this console can be paused, resumed, and muted.


Type: NodeJS.WritableStream

The stdout write stream of console.


Type: NodeJS.WritableStream | undefined

The stderr write stream of console if provided.


Type: object

The read and write streams from the provided options.

  • raw.stdin - The stdin read stream.
  • raw.stdout - The stdout write stream.
  • raw.stderr - The stderr write stream if provided.


Type: object

Get the prompt state and the statuses of the streams.

terminal.status.active(); // boolean
terminal.status.stdin(); // 'paused' | 'resumed'
terminal.status.stdout(); // 'paused' | 'resumed' | 'muted'
terminal.status.stderr(); // 'paused' | 'resumed' | 'muted'


Type: (active?: boolean) => this

Set the prompt state manually (default active value: true). The prompt state is set to active when calling prompt and is set to inactive when a line event is emitted by the rl instance.

When the prompt state is active:


Type: (preserveCursor?: boolean) => this

Call rl.prompt() and set the prompt state to active.

It is recommended to use this instead of calling rl.prompt() directly to properly update and keep track of the prompt state.

The prompt state is reset every time a line event is emitted by the rl instance.


Type: (prompt: string) => this

Set the prompt with rl.setPrompt() and call refreshLine.


Type: (options?: PauseOptions) => this

Pause the read (stdin) and write (stdout, stderr) streams.

By default, all streams are paused unless options are provided.

// pause all streams
// pause by options
  stdin: true,
  stdout: { mute: false }, // boolean or object
  stderr: { mute: true } // boolean or object

Chunks are buffered when the write streams (stdout, stderr) are paused and are then flushed and written once resumed. Set the mute option to drop these chunks instead.

Note that this pauses the raw stdin directly via raw.stdin.pause() instead of rl.pause().


Type: (options?: ResumeOptions) => this

Resume the read (stdin) and write (stdout, stderr) streams.

By default, all streams are resumed unless options are provided.

// resume all streams
// resume stdout only
terminal.resume({ stdout: true });

Note that this resumes the raw stdin directly via raw.stdin.resume() instead of rl.resume().

setLine(line, refresh?)

Type: (line: string, refresh?: boolean) => this

Set the rl.line and call refreshLine.

Set the refresh option to call refreshLine after setting the line (default: true).


Type: (force?: boolean) => this

Refresh the rl instance prompt line.

This is disabled if rl.terminal is false or if the prompt is not active. Update the prompt state with prompt or active.

Set force option to true to ignore the prompt state.


Type: (setup: SetupFunction) => MaybePromise<void>

Add and run a setup function. This function is rerun when the terminal is reinitialized.

The setup function can return an optional cleanup function that is run for deinit.


Type: (init?: InitFunction) => MaybePromise<void>

Reinitialize the terminal and rerun all setup functions.

Make sure to run the deinit method first before reinitializing the terminal.


Type: (close?: boolean) => MaybePromise<void>

Run the cleanup functions returned from the setup functions and close the rl instance.

Set the close option to false to skip calling rl.close().


Licensed under the MIT License.