1.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

test-filer v1.1.2

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2 years ago

Filer (File System as a Service)

File Management As A Service is a a generic package that handles all the operations that are required to upload, download and delete files from cloud storage buckets.

Main Functionalities are


npm i filer
In Node.js:
import Filer from 'lf-filer';

Using Filer

import Filer from 'lf-filer';

const filer = new Filer();


Filer can be configured using a configuration file.

Using configuration file

The configuration file can be set using the following file structure.

export const filerConfig = {
  dbProvider: '', // 'dynamodb' available  (optional)
  dbProviderConfig: {
    // optional if dbProvider is not set
    region: '', // aws region
    credentials: {
      accessKeyId: '', // aws accessKeyId
      secretAccessKey: '' // aws secretAccessKey
    tableName: '' // database table name
  storageProvider: '', // 's3' available
  storageProviderConfig: {
    accessKeyId: '', // aws accessKeyId
    bucket: '' // s3 bucket name
  restrictions: {
    // file upload restrictions
    maxFileSizeInMB: 25,
    minFileSizeInMB: 0.1,
    restrictedExtensions: ['exe', 'pdf']
  logger: (message): void => {} //custom logger function

The file can be imported and used with Filer.

import Filer from 'lf-filer';
import { filerConfig } from './filerConfig';

const filer = new File(filerConfig);



Delete the file from S3 bucket and deletes the file metadata from DB.

delete(bucket: string, key: string): Promise<{ message: unknown; success: boolean }>


BULK delete the file from S3 bucket within a folder

deleteDirectoryContent(bucket: string, path: string): Promise<any>


Bulk delete the file from S3 bucket and deletes the file metadata from DB.

deleteMultipleFiles(bucket: string, keys: string[]):
      message: unknown;
      success: boolean
  | { message: unknown; success: boolean }


Download the file from S3 bucket

download(bucket: string, key: string, downloadPath: string):
      data: {
        contentLength: any;
        contentType: any;
        downloadPath: string;
        etag: any;
        key: string;
        lastModified: any
      message: undefined;
      success: boolean
    | { data: undefined; message: unknown; success: boolean }


BULK download the files from S3 bucket within a folder

downloadDirectoryContent(bucket: string, path: string, localDownloadPath: string): Promise<any>


Bulk download the file from S3 bucket

downloadMultipleFiles(bucket: string, keys: string[], downloadPath: string):
        data: {
          contentLength: any;
          contentType: any;
          downloadPath: string;
          etag: any;
          key: string;
          lastModified: any
        message: undefined;
        success: boolean
      | { data: undefined; message: unknown; success: boolean }
    | { message: unknown; success: boolean}


Get the database metadata for the file

getObject(Key: string): Promise<any>


Get signed url for the file. If signed url is not available, it will return the file url.

getSignedURI(bucket: string, key: string):
      data: {
        url: any
      message: string;
      success: boolean
    | { data: undefined; message: unknown; success: boolean }


List all files and folders in the bucket

listAllFiles(bucket: string, path: string):
      data: any;
      message: undefined;
      success: boolean
    { data: undefined; message: unknown; success: boolean }


Upload the file to S3 bucket and save the file metadata to DB

upload(bucket: string, key: string, file: any):
    { data:
        Bucket: any;
        ETag: any;
        Key: any;
        Location: any;
        derivedName: string;
        extension: string;
        fileName: string;
        fileType: string;
        filesize: number | false;
        mime: string | false
      message: string;
      success: boolean
    | { data: undefined; message: unknown; success: boolean }


Bulk upload directory to S3 bucket and save the file metadata to DB

uploadDirectoryContent(bucket: string, path: string):
      data: {
        Bucket: any;
        ETag: any;
        Key: any;
        Location: any;
        derivedName: string;
        extension: string;
        fileName: string; f
        ileType: string;
        filesize: number | false;
        mime: string | false
      message: string;
      success: boolean
    | { data: undefined; message: unknown; success: boolean }
  | { message: unknown; success: boolean }


Bulk upload the file to S3 bucket and save the file metadata to DB

uploadMultipleFiles(bucket: string, files: { filePath: string; key: string }[]):
        data: {
          Bucket: any;
          ETag: any;
          Key: any;
          Location: any;
          derivedName: string;
          extension: string;
          fileName: string;
          fileType: string;
          filesize: number | false;
          mime: string | false
        string; success: boolean
      | { data: undefined; message: unknown; success: boolean }
    | { message: unknown; success: boolean }