0.0.1 • Published 2 years ago
teste-utils v0.0.1
The starter is built on top of Vite 3.x and prepared for writing libraries in TypeScript. It generates a hybrid package - both support for CommonJS and ESM modules.
- Hybrid support - CommonJS and ESM modules
- Typings bundle
- ESLint - scripts linter
- Prettier - formatter
- Jest - test framework
- Husky + lint-staged - pre-commit git hook set up for formatting
The starter contains the following scripts:
- starts dev serverbuild
- generates the following bundles: CommonJS (.cjs
) and ESM (.mjs
). The name of bundle is automatically taked frompackage.json
name propertytest
- starts jest and runs all teststest:coverage
- starts jest and run all tests with code coverage reportlint:scripts
- lint.ts
files with eslintformat:scripts
- format.ts
files with prettierformat
- format all with prettier and stylelintprepare
- script for setting up husky pre-commit hook
2 years ago