0.0.1-experimental3 • Published 10 years ago

testglobals v0.0.1-experimental3

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10 years ago


The problem:

this.module = (function(){
  function internal(){ // How to test this internal function?
    return 42;
  function external(){
    var num = internal();
    return num - 23;
  return {
    external: external

A possible solution:

this.module = (function(){
  function internal(){
    return 42;
  global.__TEST__.internal = internal; // Adding this manually sucks!
  function external(){
    var num = internal();
    return num - 23;
  return {
    external: external

testglobals takes a js file, looks for a comment that describes which identifiers are to be exposed globally for testing and creates a new file with the identifiers available for testing. Works great for testing simple functions, might not work as great for more complicated stuff.

How to

Add a comment somewhere into your source file that lists the identifiers you want to test:

// @testglobals: internal, somethingElse
this.module = (function(){
  function internal(){
    return 42;
  function external(){
    var num = internal();
    return num - 23;
  return {
    external: external

Use the testglobals function with the input file's path, an output path and the options object:

$ node
> var testglobals = require('./testglobals.js');
> testglobals('module.js', 'module-testable.js', { global: '__TEST__'  });

And that's it, module-testable.js is ready for testing:

Function('return this')().__TEST__ = {};
this.module = function () {
    function internal() {
        return 42;
    __TEST__.internal = internal;
    function external() {
        var num = internal();
        return num - 23;
    return { external: external };