textlint-rule-no-pair-nightly v1.0.0-28614704.c1c7efe
textlint rule for no pair
📖 Rule Details
This rule checks whether the disallowed brackets are present in the sentences.
🍭 Example
For example, if full-width parenthesis and lenticular brackets are not allowed, the following are NG and OK:
❌ NG
They are coming to our house after work(around six o'clock).
✅ OK
They are coming to our house after work (around six o'clock).
[重要] これは(秘密)です。
💿 Installlation
Install with npm:
npm install textlint-rule-no-pair
🚀 Usages
Configure .textlintrc
It’s recommended that this rule is used in .textlintrc.js
This rule allows all pair by default. So you need to put to disallowPairs
option which pairs you do not allow.
Below is an example of using full-width parenthesis and lenticular brackets:
const { FullWidthParenthesis, LenticularBrackets } =
module.exports = {
rules: {
'no-pair': {
disallowPairs: [FullWidthParenthesis, LenticularBrackets]
Custom disallow pairs
If you would like to use other pairs, you can put the pairs scheme.
You must define the pair scheme, which is an object with following the properties:
: the name of the bracketstart
: the opening pair characterend
: the closing pair character
these interface is defined in here
module.exports = {
rules: {
'no-pair': {
disallowPairs: [
name: 'Double Angle Quotation Mark',
start: '«',
end: '»'
🔨 Support Built-in Pairs
- Parenthesis:
- Square Brackets:
- Curly Brackets:
- Full-Width Parenthesis:
- Full-Width Square Brackets:
- Full-Width Curly Brackets:
- Corner Brackets:
- White Corner Brackets:
- Less-Than and Greater-Than Angle Brackets:
- Lenticular Brackets:
- White Lenticular Brackets:
- White Square Brackets:
These built-in pairs is defined in here
If you would like to use these built-in pairs and custom pairs, you can use spread syntax (...
) as follows:
const { defaultPairs } = require('textlint-rule-no-pair')
module.exports = {
rules: {
'no-pair': {
disallowPairs: [
name: 'Double Angle Quotation Mark',
start: '«',
end: '»'
🙌 Contributing guidelines
If you are interested in contributing to textlint-rule-no-pair
, I highly recommend checking out the contributing guidelines here. You'll find all the relevant information such as how to make a PR, how to setup development) etc., there.
©️ License
MIT ©️ 2024 kazupon
9 months ago