1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

textretty v1.1.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Textretty is a simple typography stylesheet which can be used on any html-based document. It's usually for article content but not the whole website. It can help you start writing quickly and you don't need to care about the style too much. And it has referenced to GitHub Markdown style.


Install textretty with npm.

$ npm install textretty

Or you can just grab the css file in the ./dist folder.

You can also get textretty.css with jsDelivr CDN, this method does not need to install.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/BigCoke233/textretty.css/dist/textretty.min.css">


Textretty only works in the element with .textretty class.

  <!-- ...... -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="textretty.css">
  <!-- ...... -->
  <!-- ...... -->
  <article class="textretty">
    <!-- your content here -->
  <!-- ...... -->


Textretty has its own standard for elements. This following table shows every defined html tag and its standard usage. You'd better follow them.

Tag NameDescripiton
h1-h6Graded headings used as titles
strong, bText in bold
em, iText in italic
del, sDeleted text
aAnchor link
preCode block
codeInline code
kbdText on keyboards
olOrdered list
ulUnordered list
liList item
tableJust table
trRows of table
thHeadings of table
tdCells of table
theadThe header of a table
tbodyThe body content of a table
tfootThe footer of a table
blockquoteQuotions (block displayed)
hrDivider / Separator
headerThe header of an article/document
footerThe footer of an article/document

These tags above are all defined in textretty.css.


<h1>~<h6> are all headings. Usually, <h1> are used as the main title of the whole article / document. Others're used as subtitles while <h2> and <h3> are the most widely used. Here's an example:

<h1>How to put an elephent into a fridge?</h1>
<!-- content -->

  <h2>Open the door</h2>
  <!-- content -->
    <h3>Make sure it's wide enough first</h3>
	<!-- content -->
	<h3>Push heavily!</h3>
	<!-- content -->

  <h2>Push it in</h2>
  <!-- content -->

  <h2>Close the door</h2>
  <!-- content -->

The space before the <h2> and <h3> is there to help you understand their relation but they don't really exist.

Every <h1> and <h2> is underlined with a thick light-gray line just like GitHub. If you don't like it, you can add .tex-title-no-line class to .textretty container.


Paragraph is defined with <p>. Every <p> tag is a paragrph. But remember two lines in one <p> tag is not two paragraph.

<!-- I'm a paragraph -->
<p>The text in a paragraph.<p>

<!-- I'm just a paragraph but not two -->
<p>The text in line 1.<br>
The text in line 2.</p>

You can emphasize some important parts of a paragraph with bold and italic styles. <strong> and <b> are used for bold text while <em> and <i> are uesd for italic text. But attention, <strong> and <em> mean the text is really important and you're emphasizing it. <b> and <i> just make the text bold or italic and don't has certain meaings.

Please turn to this page for more information.

Copyright © 2020 Eltrac Koalar, All rights reserved.