tfx-migration-helper v0.0.23
CLI to reduce manual steps to migrate samples to TeamsFX V3.
Install the CLI
npm install tfx-migration-helper -g
to the root folder of the project to be migratedRun migration command:
tfxm migrate -t <app-type> -n <app-name>
tfxm migrate -t tab -n personal-tab
Migration steps
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t tab -n tab-ui-templates
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update teamsapp.local.yml
- Change value of manifestPath to
- Change value of manifestPath to
- Update package.json
- Install dev dependency:
npm install --save-dev env-cmd
- Add 'dev:teamsfx' in 'scripts' section, and update "start" section:
"dev:teamsfx": "env-cmd --silent -f .localConfigs npm run start", "start": "react-scripts start",
- Install dev dependency:
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t tab-sso -n tab-sso
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
Update package.json, add 'dev:teamsfx' in 'scripts' section:
"dev:teamsfx": "npm run start",
Add redirect url in replyUrlsWithType of aad.manifest.json
{ "url": "${{TAB_ENDPOINT}}/auth-end", "type": "Spa" }, { "url": "${{TAB_ENDPOINT}}/Home/BrowserRedirect", "type": "Spa" },
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t bot -n bot-conversation
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update color.png and outline.png to make them pass validation rules
- Update package.json, add 'dev:teamsfx' and 'dev' in 'scripts' section:
"dev:teamsfx": "npm run dev", "dev": "nodemon --inspect=9239 --signal SIGINT ./index.js",
- For single-tenant support:
- Change environment variables:
- Change signInAudience to AzureADMyOrg:
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t bot-sso -n bot-conversation-sso-quickstart
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update color.png and outline.png to make them pass validation rules
- Update package.json, add 'dev:teamsfx' and 'dev' in 'scripts' section:
"dev:teamsfx": "npm run dev", "dev": "nodemon --inspect=9239 --signal SIGINT ./index.js",
- For single-tenant support:
- Change environment variables:
- Change signInAudience to AzureADMyOrg:
Message extensions
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t bot -n msgext-action-quickstart
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update package.json, add 'dev:teamsfx' and 'dev' in 'scripts' section:
"dev:teamsfx": "npm run dev", "dev": "nodemon --inspect=9239 --signal SIGINT ./index.js",
- Update teamsapp.local.yml, change file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile action:
- uses: file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile with: target: ./.env envs: BotId: ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}} BotPassword: ${{SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}}
Message extensions SSO
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t bot-sso -n msgext-search-sso-config
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update package.json, add 'dev:teamsfx' and 'dev' in 'scripts' section:
"dev:teamsfx": "npm run dev", "dev": "nodemon --inspect=9239 --signal SIGINT ./index.js",
- Update teamsapp.local.yml, change file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile action:
- uses: file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile with: target: ./.env envs: MicrosoftAppId: ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}} MicrosoftAppPassword: ${{SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}} connectionName: ${{CONNECTION_NAME}} SiteUrl: ${{BOT_ENDPOINT}}
Tab + Bot
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t bot -n app-hello-world
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update package.json, add 'dev:teamsfx' and 'dev' in 'scripts' section:
"dev:teamsfx": "npm run dev", "dev": "nodemon --exec babel-node --inspect=9239 --signal SIGINT src/app.js",
- Update teamsapp.local.yml, change file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile action:
# Generate runtime environment variables - uses: file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile with: target: ./.env envs: PORT: 3978 - uses: file/createOrUpdateJsonFile with: target: ./config/default.json # Required. The relative path of settings file appsettings: # Required. The appsettings to be generated bot: appId: ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}} appPassword: ${{SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}}
- Fix code in src\app.js:
const ENV_FILE = path.join(__dirname, '..', '.env');
Tab (yo teams)
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t tab -n tab
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update package.json, add 'dev:teamsfx' in 'scripts' section:
"dev:teamsfx": "gulp serve --debug --no-schema-validation",
- Update tasks.json
- Add "Start local tunnel" task
- Change "Start frontend":
"endsPattern": "Server running on"
- Update teamsapp.local.yml
- Remove "Set TAB_DOMAIN and TAB_ENDPOINT for local launch"
- Update manifestPath
Replace whole 'deploy' lifecycle:
# Run npm command - uses: cli/runNpmCommand with: args: install --no-audit # Generate runtime environment variables - uses: file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile with: target: ./.env envs: PORT: 53000
Tab SSO (yo teams)
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t tab-sso -n tab-sso
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update package.json, add 'dev:teamsfx' in 'scripts' section:
"dev:teamsfx": "gulp serve --debug --no-schema-validation",
- Update tasks.json
- Change "Start frontend":
"endsPattern": "Server running on"
- Change "Start frontend":
- Update teamsapp.local.yml
- Update manifestPath
- Replace 'file/createOrUpdateJsonFile' action:
# Generate runtime environment variables - uses: file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile with: target: ./.env envs: PORT: 53000 TAB_APP_ID: ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}} TAB_APP_URI: api://${{TAB_DOMAIN}}/${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}
Bot (yo teams)
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t bot -n bot
- Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update package.json, add 'dev:teamsfx' in 'scripts' section:
"dev:teamsfx": "gulp serve --debug --no-schema-validation",
- Update tasks.json
- Change "Start frontend":
"endsPattern": "Server running on"
- Change "Start frontend":
- Update teamsapp.local.yml
- Update manifestPath
- Replace 'file/createOrUpdateJsonFile' action:
# Generate runtime environment variables - uses: file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile with: target: ./.env envs: PORT: 3978 MICROSOFT_APP_ID: ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}} MICROSOFT_APP_PASSWORD: ${{SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}}
Tab+Bot (yo teams)
Use as example, the steps are same as Bot (yo teams).
Tab (C#)
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t tab-csharp -n tab-personal
in the folder which contains the .csproj file - Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update teamsapp.local.yml
- Change value of manifestPath to
- Change value of manifestPath to
Tab SSO (C#)
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t tab-sso-csharp -n tab-personal-sso-quickstart
in the folder which contains the .csproj file - Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update teamsapp.local.yml
- Change value of manifestPath of teamsApp to
- Change value of manifestPath of teamsApp to
Bot (C#)
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t bot-csharp -n bot-conversation
in the folder which contains the .csproj file - Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
- Update teamsapp.local.yml
- Change value of manifestPath of teamsApp to
- Change value of manifestPath of teamsApp to
Bot SSO (C#)
Use as example, the steps are:
- Run
tfxm migrate -t bot-sso-csharp -n bot-conversation-sso-quickstart
in the folder which contains the .csproj file - Update .gitignore: copy or append content from .gitignore.example
- Update placeholder in manifest.json
Message extensions (C#)
The steps are similar to Bot (C#). For some ME projects that have BaseUrl
in appsettings.json, you just need to add BaseUrl: ${{BOT_ENDPOINT}}
in teamsapp.local.yml like below:
# Generate runtime appsettings to JSON file
- uses: file/createOrUpdateJsonFile
target: ./appsettings.json
MicrosoftAppId: ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}
MicrosoftAppPassword: ${{SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}}
MicrosoftAppType: ${{MICROSOFT_APP_TYPE}}
MicrosoftAppTenantId: ${{MICROSOFT_APP_TENANT_ID}}
BaseUrl: ${{BOT_ENDPOINT}}
Message extensions SSO (C#)
The steps are similar to Bot SSO (C#). For some ME SSO projects that have SiteUrl
in appsettings.json, you just need to add SiteUrl: ${{BOT_ENDPOINT}}
in teamsapp.local.yml like below:
# Generate runtime appsettings to JSON file
- uses: file/createOrUpdateJsonFile
target: ./appsettings.json
MicrosoftAppId: ${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}
MicrosoftAppPassword: ${{SECRET_AAD_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}}
ConnectionName: ${{CONNECTION_NAME}}
MicrosoftAppType: ${{MICROSOFT_APP_TYPE}}
MicrosoftAppTenantId: ${{MICROSOFT_APP_TENANT_ID}}
SiteUrl: ${{BOT_ENDPOINT}}
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