0.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

the-pirate-js v0.0.1

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5 years ago

The Pirate JS

The Pirate is a lib that has some util functions that can abstract logic and prevent errors


# Using npm
npm i the-pirate
# Using yarn
yarn add the-pirate

General examples

import * as pirate from 'the-pirate'

// General functions
pirate.truthyJoin(['Hey', undefined, 'You'], ', ') // 'Hey, You'
pirate.any(false, true, false) // true
pirate.any(false, false) // false

pirate.maybe({}, 'item.price') // undefined
pirate.maybe({ item: { price: '$10.00' } }, 'item.price') // '$10.00'

DOM utils

import { dom } from 'the-pirate'
imagine this span is in a structure like this:
<h2 class="parent">
        <span class="child"></span>
const spanChild = document.querySelector('.child')
dom.closest(spanChild, '.parent') // returns the h2 that has the .parent class

Numeric utils

import { numeric as numPyrate } from 'the-pirate'

numPyrate.validateCNPJ('18.837.197/0001-83') // true
numPyrate.validateCNPJ('47.372.635/4756-32') // false

numPyrate.normalizeLocalCurrency('20,000.04') // 20000.04 float
numPyrate.normalizeLocalCurrency('20.000,04') // 20000.04 float

String examples

import { string as strPi } from 'the-pirate'
strPi.isURL('http://google.com') // true
strPi.isURL('this is not an url') // false
strPi.interpol('Hello', 'World') // 'Hello World'