1.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

thechain v1.0.3

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Last release
5 years ago

The Chain - A simple way to integrate a blockchain in your awesome application!

DeepScan grade npm.io


  • Easy to integrate to existing apps
  • A very customizable chain
  • Custom block time
  • Block verify function
  • Local database

Incoming Features!

  • Node system - this will let you sync the chain between multiple nodes
  • Multiple extract data features
  • Block confirmation system
  • SocketIO API
  • Documentation


The chain uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • ExpressJS -A Web API for a simple life!
  • Progress - Flexible ascii progress bar
  • Better SQLite3 - The fastest SQLite3 library to store your precious blocks
  • MD5 - A small friend that help you to hash so much hashes
  • Helmet - The best way to secure your blockchain WEB API
  • CORS - Only here to help you with data
  • Body Parser - CORS best friend

And of course The Chain itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.


The Chain requires Node.js v10 (only tested) to run.

Install The Chain...

$ npm install thechain --save

A simple demo

const Chain = require("thechain");
const blockchain = new Chain(path, port, blockTime); // or new Chain() for a fast blockchain

const block_one = blockchain.getBlock(1);
console.log(block_one); // this will print the genesis block

Default params:

const path = "./chain/chain.db3";
const port = 4444;
const blocktime =  60000; // 1 minute blocktime in ms


Verify the Chain

blockchain.verifyChain(); // No return

This method will be initially called to check every block, you can use it whenever you want, but warning, this method will stop your script until every block is checked.

Create new Block (WARNING! Better to set a block time and never use this method!)

blockchain.createNewBlock(); // No return

This method will create a new block when it is called, the block data will be the data contained in the data object at the block time.

Data push

const Object = ["test1", "test2"];
blockchain.push(Object); // No return

This method will push data into the block, and the block will be generated with the pushed data.

Get last 100 blocks

const last100blocks = blockchain.getLast100();

This method will return the last 100 blocks.

Get x block

const blockNumber = 2; // Block number id
const block = blockchain.getBlock(blockNumber);
console.log(block); // This will print the block data

This method will return the block with x number.


PRs Welcome

Want to contribute? Great! Start by telling us your wishes!


The chain is licensed as MIT

Free Blockchain Software, DAM Yeah!