1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago
thedatabase v1.0.1
TheDatabase is a modern SQLite3 wrapper for Node.js designed for people who want to get work done! Designed to be fast and reliable you can get work done easily.
What does TheDatabase offer?
TheDatabase offers:
- Easy setup
- Simple to use methods and schematypes
- Creating your own Schemas instead of storing everything as json with key value.
- Easy syntax to learn
- Fast and reliable Now lets use TDB!
Coming soon
- Promisified functions.
- Memory databases.
- Storing objects.
- Inserting, Updating, Deleting multiple documents at once.
API Docs
You can locate api documentation here
Simple database setup
const { Database, SchemaTypes } = require('thedatabase');
const db = new Database({
databaseName: 'users',
schema: {
id: SchemaTypes.INTEGER,
username: SchemaTypes.TEXT
// Insert document
id: 1,
username: "dicedtomato"
// Update document
id: 1
}, {
username: "tomato"
// Delete document
id: 1
// Find user id 1
id: 1
// Get all documents
thedatabase © 2019+, thedatabasejs. Released under the MIT License. Authored and maintained by dicedtomato.
GitHub @dicedtomato · GitHub Organization @thedatabase