1.1.1 • Published 4 years ago

thetajs v1.1.1

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Theta ϴ

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Syntatic Sugar for the default Math Object.


npm install thetajs


// Use Destructuring for the functions.
// Without destructuring, this is a waste of space
const { qube, sqrt, sq, log, sin, pi } = require('thetajs');

qube(64); // 4
sqrt(36); // 6
sq(3); // 9
log(10); // 1
sin(30); // 0.5
console.log(pi); // 3.141592653589793


pi: π. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

e: Euler's number. The mathematical constant e.

log10: The natural logarithm of 10.

lg2: The natural logarithms of 2.

sqrt(num): Returns the square root of a number.

cbrt(num): Returns the cube root of a number.

sq(num): Returns the square of a number.

cube(num): Returns the cube of a number.

qube(num): Returns number raised to the power of 4.

sin(angle): Returns the sine of an angle.

cos(angle): Returns the cosine of an angle.

tan(angle): Returns the tangent of an angle.

sini(angle): Returns the inverse sine of an angle.

cosi(angle): Returns the inverse cosine of an angle.

tani(angle): Returns the tangent cosine of an angle.

log(num): Returns the base 10 logarithm of a number.

log2(num): Returns the base e logarithm of a number.

loge(num): Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a number.

round(num): Returns the nearest integer of the supplied value.

roundUp(num): Returns the highest nearest integer of the supplied value.

roundDown(num): Returns the lowest nearest integer of the supplied value.


Ephraim Atta-Duncan
