1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

thin-rich-table v1.0.1

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2 years ago

Thin Rich Table

これなに / About


The one to evaluate a truth table-style table written in Markdown.

コンセプト / Concept

  • Thin (ファイルサイズが軽量)
  • Rich (Markdown のテーブル記法を利用できる)


It features the following

  • Thin (Lightweight file size)
  • Rich (Markdown table notation can be used)


This evaluates variables specified in the header line based on the conditions described in a truth table format.

インストール / Install

npm install --save thin-rich-table

使い方 / How to Use

import { ThinRichTable } from "thin-rich-table";
const table = new ThinRichTable();
const result = table.eval`
Write markdown table like conditions here.

AND 回路 / AND circuit

const AND = (a: boolean, b: boolean) => {
  const gate = new ThinRichTable();
  return gate.eval`
    | ${a}     | ${b}     | ${gate.out} |
    | -------- | -------- | ----------- |
    | ${true}  | ${true}  | ${true}     |
    | ${true}  | ${false} | ${false}    |
    | ${false} | ${true}  | ${false}    |
    | ${false} | ${false} | ${false}    |
AND(true, true) === true;
AND(true, false) === false;


any or otherwise may be specified, for example ,for complex conditions.


You can write comments in table rows in literal format.

金額計算 / Calculating the amount of money


Like the following, there are times it be complicated branch when using if .

// ifを利用した記述
const getPriceIf = (
  order: number,
  stock: number,
  isHalf: boolean,
  price: number
) => {
  if (order <= 0) return "invalid order";
  if (stock >= order) {
    if (isHalf) {
      return (order * stock) / 2;
    } else {
      // ...
  // ...


You can evaluate declaratively with table by using this library.

// 注文数
const order = 100;
// 在庫数
const stock = 50;
// 単価
const price = 10;

const getPriceTable = (
  order: number,
  stock: number,
  isHalf: boolean,
  price: number
) => {
  const table = new ThinRichTable();
  // prettier-ignore
  return table.eval`
    | ${order > 0}       | ${stock >= order} | ${isHalf}         | ${table.out}           |
    | ------------------ | ----------------- | ----------------- | ---------------------- |
    | valid order amount | has enough stock  | discount flag     | calculated price       |
    | ${true}            | ${true}           | ${true}           | ${(order * price) / 2} |
    | ${true}            | ${false}          | ${true}           | ${(stock * price) / 2} |
    | ${true}            | ${true}           | ${false}          | ${order * price}       |
    | ${true}            | ${false}          | ${false}          | ${stock * price}       |
    | ${false}           | ${table.cell.any} | ${table.cell.any} | ${"Invalid order."}    |

getPriceTable(order, stock, true, price) === (stock * price) / 2;
getPriceTable(order, stock, false, price) === stock * price;
getPriceTable(order, stock * 2, true, price) === (order * price) / 2;
getPriceTable(-1, stock * 2, true, price) === "Invalid order.";

上記のテーブル部分は Markdown で下記表に相当する。

\${order > 0}\${stock >= order}\${isHalf}\${table.out}
valid order amounthas enough stockdiscount flagcalculated price
${true}${true}${true}${(order * price) / 2}
${true}${false}${true}${(stock * price) / 2}
${true}${true}${false}${order * price}
${true}${false}${false}${stock * price}
${false}${table.cell.any}${table.cell.any}${"Invalid order."}

ヘッダ行にtrue, falseなどを指定し、条件列に評価値を記載することもできる。

const getMessage = (x: number, y: number, limit: number) => {
  const table = new ThinRichTable();
  return table.eval`
  | ${true}       | ${true}       | ${table.out}           |
  | ------------- | ------------- | ---------------------- |
  | ${x > limit}  | ${y > limit}  | ${`x & y > ${limit}`}  |
  | ${x > limit}  | ${y <= limit} | ${`x > ${limit}`}      |
  | ${x <= limit} | ${y > limit}  | ${`y > ${limit}`}      |
  | ${x <= limit} | ${y <= limit} | ${`x & y <= ${limit}`} |

getMessage(122, 50, 100) === "x > 100";

セルの値の指定 / On specifying cell values

const table = new ThinRichTable()とした場合

table.out出力値とする列(表の右端の列に指定する)Column as output (Specify in the rightmost column of the table)
table.cell.any任意の値(明示的な指定と同じ優先度)Arbitrary value (Same priority as explicit specification)
table.cell.otherwise任意の値(cell.anyより優先度低)Arbitrary value (Lower priority than cell.any)

例えば下記の場合は{ flagA: true, flagB: true }の場合両方にマッチするため重複エラーとなる。

For example, in case the following table is defined { flagA: true, flagB: true } matches both, resulting in a duplicate error.

both true${true}${true}${true}


In the following case

both true${true}${true}${true}
  • { flagA: true, flagB: true } => both true
  • { flagA: true, flagB: false } => else
  • { flagA: true, flagB: undefined } => else
