0.0.0 • Published 5 years ago
threed v0.0.0
window._initialState contains all the data about parameters, scene description etc.
defaultConfig: {
properties: "{}",
components: "{}",
guid: ""
logo: ""
materialGroups: [
name: "",
materials: [],
values: []
otherProperties: [
title: "",
property: "",
value: "",
parameter: 0,
otherSlots: [
name: "",
offset: {
offset: {z: 0, x: 0, y: 0}
childProperties: {
(property) : (webGLProperty)
url: "",
sliders: [
max: 0,
min: 0,
parameter: 0,
property: "",
title: "",
type: "",
webGlProduct: ""
webGlProperties: {
(property) : (webGLProperty)
webGlUrl: ""
bimClass.data should have a 'webglScene' field with model url and guids to slot products and 'webgl' field with how certain parameters are called in webgl interface:
data: {
webglScene: {
webglUrl: String e.g. "UNIVERSAL/doors/door",
webglProduct: String e.g. "doors/door",
otherSlots: Array of guids, if there are additional slots within this bimClass
webgl : {
(unique_param_id) : String with it's webgl counterpart ,
product definition is expected to have Array of properties
slots may also be stored within componentConfigurations as Array of guids
properties : [ {parameter: Number, value: ... }, ...],
componentConfigurations : Array of guids