1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago
thrive-aws-lambda v1.0.2
Deploy Lambda functions to AWS in seconds with Serverless Components. Utilizes layers for dependency management and S3 accelerated uploads for maximum upload speeds.
1. Install
$ npm install -g serverless
2. Create
$ mkdir my-function && cd my-function
the directory should look something like this:
|- code
|- handler.js
|- package.json # optional
|- serverless.yml
|- .env # your AWS api keys
# .env
// handler.js
module.exports.hello = async (event, context, cb) => {
return { hello: "world" };
3. Configure
# serverless.yml
component: "@serverless/aws-lambda"
name: my-function
description: My Serverless Function
memory: 128
timeout: 20
code: ./code
handler: handler.hello
runtime: nodejs8.10
TABLE_NAME: my-table
region: us-east-1
# if you'd like to include any shims
- ../shims/shim.js
# specifying an existing deployment bucket would optimise deployment speed
# by using accelerated multipart uploads and dependency management with layers
bucket: my-deployment-bucket
4. Deploy
$ serverless
For a real world example of how this component could be used, take a look at how the socket component is using it.
This package was originally implemented by the serverless framework team. I decided to fork it and bring it into this monorepo because it wasn't being maintained anymore
4 years ago