0.1.0 • Published 10 years ago
throttled v0.1.0
Express.js Middleware to Throttle Requests. Supports clustering using redis.
* Configure the middleware
* @type {Function}
var throttled = require('throttled')({
* Redis Prefix
* @type {String}
prefix: 'throttled:',
* How many requests to limit per period
* @type {Number}
limit: 1000,
* How long before the count resets in seconds
* @type {Number}
period: 60 * 15,
* How long should someone be banned in seconds if they exceed the limit
* @type {Number}
ban: 15 * 60,
* Should we use the console, a custom logger, or nothing at all
* @type {Object|Falsey}
logger: console,
* Redis options. Read more about them at
* https://github.com/mranney/node_redis#rediscreateclient
* @type {Object}
redis: {}
* Can be applied to your entire server
* Or a specific route
app.get('/rest/resource', throttled, handleGetResource);