0.2.2 • Published 5 years ago

throttlewrap v0.2.2

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5 years ago


A convenient wrapper for adaptively throttling async functions


npm i throttlewrap


tw.wrap(functionToThrottle, options)

It returns a wrapped version of functionToThrottle with rate limitation described in the options object.

Simple uses

rpm limitation on a callback funtion:

const tw = require('throttlewrap');
const request = require('request');

const get = tw.wrap(request.get, { rpm: 10 });

get('http://myurl.com', console.log);
get('http://myurl.com', console.log);
get('http://myurl.com', console.log);
get('http://myurl.com', console.log);

simultaneous thread limitation on a promise function:

const tw = require('throttlewrap');
const request = require('request-promise');

const get = tw.wrap(request.get, { threads: 2 });

get('http://myurl.com').then(console.log, console.error);
get('http://myurl.com').then(console.log, console.error);
get('http://myurl.com').then(console.log, console.error);
get('http://myurl.com').then(console.log, console.error);

Using rules to adaptively throttle

using an object rule to speed up when no errors for half a second

const get = tw.wrap(request.get, {
  rpm: 10,
  rules: [{
    condition: { noErrorPeriod: 500 },
    action: { rpm: { mul: 2 } },

using an object rule to remove threads when more than 20% of the responses are errors or timeouts in a 2 second period

const get = tw.wrap(request.get, {
  threads: 5,
  isError: (err, res) => err || res.statusCode === 504,
  rules: [{
    condition: { errorRate: { gt: 0.2, period: 2000 } },
    action: { threads: { sub: 1 } },

A complex example

const get = tw.wrap(request.get, {
  threads: 10,
  threadsMin: 2,
  threadsMax: 20,
  rps: 15,
  rpmMin: 300,
  intervalMax: 500,
  isError: (err, res) => err || res.statusCode === 504,
  rules: [{
    condition: {
      noSuccessPeriod: 500
    action: {
      threads: { sub: 1 },
      rpm: { div: 1.5 }
    condition: {
      successCount: { gte: 5, period: 500 }
    action: {
      threads: { add: 1 }
  function ({ lastErrorTime, firstCallTime, interval }) {
    const now = Date.now();
    const noErrorPeriod = now - (lastErrorTime || firstCallTime);
    const shouldSpeedUp = noErrorPeriod >= 2000
      && (!this.lastApplied || (now - this.lastApplied > 2000));
    if (!shouldSpeedUp) return null;
    this.lastApplied = now;
    return { interval: interval / 1.5 };

Table of options

None of these options are required, but you need to define the function to throttle and one of rpm, rps, interval or threads

intervalnumberThe number of milliseconds that need to pass between each call
rpmnumberThe maximum of calls per minute. Gets converted to interval
rpsnumberThe maximum of calls per second. Gets converted to interval
threadsnumberThe maximum number of simultaneous calls. When omitted or set to 0, the number of simultaneous calls are unlimited
typestringValues can be 'promise' or 'callback', describing the type of function wrapped. If omitted, the type will be determined for each call by checking if the last argument passed is a function (callback)
fnasync functionThe function to be wrapped. Can also be defined as the first argument of the throttlewrap.wrap function.
rulesarrayDescribes the conditions on which execution should speed up / slow down. Increasing and decreasing the number of threads is also possible. See the rules section describing these in detail
isErrorfunctionDefines what results to treat as errored. Runs after each finished call, receives the error and result of the call. The 3rd parameter will be true if a promise is rejected, this is useful when it gets rejected with no error passed. If isError returns truthy value, the response will be treated as an error in the stats. Default value is (err, res, rejected) => err || rejected
intervalMinnumberThe smallest number interval can be adjusted to using rules
intervalMaxnumberThe largest number interval can be adjusted to using rules
rpmMinnumberThe smallest number rpm can be adjusted to using rules. Will get converted to intervalMax
rpmMaxnumberThe largest number rpm can be adjusted to using rules. Will get converted to intervalMin
rpsMinnumberThe smallest number rps can be adjusted to using rules. Will get converted to intervalMax
rpsMaxnumberThe largest number rps can be adjusted to using rules. Will get converted to intervalMin
threadsMinnumberThe minimum number threads can be adjusted to using rules. Defaults to 1 where a function is wrapped using threads limitation.
threadsMaxnumberThe maximum number threads can be adjusted to using rules.
statsPeriodnumberThe number of milliseconds for which to keep the statistics for. If omitted, it will be determined by checking the conditions in the rules array

The rules array

An array of objects and/or functions describing when and how to adapt throttling. While function rules give more flexibility, in most cases using object rules is more convenient.

Object rules

Each rule object needs to have two keys, condition and action. These will get processed after each finished call, where the condition is met, the action will be taken.

Condition object

Defines the condition on which the action is to be taken. Needs to have at least one of the below keys. If more keys are defined there will be an AND relation between the multiple conditions. In order to use an OR relation, please define them as separate rules.

noErrorPeriodnumber{ noErrorPeriod: 500 }Condition will be met if no call will finish with error for the number of milliseconds. This is half a second in the example.
noSuccessPeriodnumber{ noSuccessPeriod: 2000 }Condition will be met if all calls finish with error for the number of milliseconds. This is two seconds in the example.
errorRateobject{ errorRate: { period: 1000, gt: 0.5 } }Will trigger the action if the ratio of errors satisfy the condition in the period. In this example the condition will be met if more than half of the finished calls in the last second errored. period is required, operator key can be gt - greater than, gte - greater or equal, lt - less than, lte - less or equal, is - equals. Values will fall between 0 and 1 inclusive.
successRateobject{ successRate: { period: 800, lte: 0.25 } }Same as the above but checks the ratio of successful (not errored) calls. In this example the condition will be met if in the past 800 milliseconds only 25% or less of the calls finished without error. period is required, operator key can be gt, gte, lt, lte, or is
errorCountobject{ errorCount: { period: 500, is: 3 } }Similar to errorRate but rather than the ratio, it looks at the number of errors. In this example the condition will be met if in the past half a second 3 calls finished with errors. period is required, operator key can be gt, gte, lt, lte, or is
successCountobject{ successCount: { period: 1000, gte: 5 } }Same as the above but checks the count of successful (not errored) calls. In this example the condition will be met if in the past second the number of successful calls is 5 or more. period is required, operator key can be gt, gte, lt, lte, or is

Action object

Defines what to do when the condition is met. Needs to have at least one of the below keys. If more keys are defined all of the multiple actions will be processed. Key values are objects in the format of { operator: value }

threads{ threads: { sub: 1 } }Changes the number of threads. (The maximum number of simultaneous calls) This example action will remove one thread. Operators can be mul - multiply, div - divide, add - increase, sub - subtract, set - set to exact value
interval{ interval: { set: 100 } }Changes the interval, the number of milliseconds between calls. This example action will set the interval to 100, allowing a maximum of 10 calls per second. Operators can be mul, div, add, sub or set
rpm{ rpm: { mul: 2 } }Changes the rate per minute limit. In this example action the rpm gets doubled. Operators can be mul, div or set
rps{ rps: { set: 5 } }Similar to the above, but adjusts the rate per second. In this example action the rps gets set to 5. Operators can be mul, div or set

Function rules

A rule can also be defined as a function describing the condition and action when using an object rule is not flexible enough. Each function rule will be executed after each finished call. The rule function will get an object as an input parameter, object keys are described in the table below. If the rule is to change the throttling parameters, it has to return an object with the to be modified key(s) and its new value. Note that rpm and rps are not in the object the rule function receives, and will not be processed if returned. Please use interval instead.

qarrayThe pending calls waiting for execution. Each call is an object describing the arguments the function needs to be called with, the type of call (callback|promise) and a callback that will be called once the function finished
errorTimesarrayAn array of timestamps when the throttled function errored. It will only go back as far as it is defined in the statsPeriod
successTimesarrayAn array of timestamps when the throttled function responded without error. It will only go back as far as it is defined in the statsPeriod
fnasync functionThe function being throttled
threadsnumberThe number of threads - maximum number of simultaneous calls. Will be undefined if unlimited simultaneous calls are allowed
intervalnumberThe number of milliseconds that need to pass between each call
intervalMinnumberThe smallest number interval can be adjusted to using rules
intervalMaxnumberThe largest number interval can be adjusted to using rules
rpmMinnumberThe smallest number rpm can be adjusted to using rules. This cannot be returned by the function rule, please use intervalMax instead
rpmMaxnumberThe largest number rpm can be adjusted to using rules. This cannot be returned by the function rule, please use intervalMin instead
rpsMinnumberThe smallest number rps can be adjusted to using rules. This cannot be returned by the function rule, please use intervalMax instead
rpsMaxnumberThe largest number rps can be adjusted to using rules. This cannot be returned by the function rule, please use intervalMin instead
threadsMinnumberThe minimum number threads can be adjusted to using rules.
threadsMaxnumberThe maximum number threads can be adjusted to using rules.
isErrorfunctionThe function that checks if a call's response is to be treated as an error in the stats
typestringValues can be 'promise' or 'callback', describing the type of function wrapped.
statsPeriodnumberThe number of milliseconds for which to keep the statistics for.
lastErrorTimenumberThe timestamp when the wrapped function last finished with error
lastErroranyThe error returned from the last call. Will not have a value if the last call responded without error
lastSuccessTimenumberThe timestamp when the wrapped function last finished without error
lastResultanyThe result returned from the last call. Will not have a value if the last call errored
firstCallTimenumberThe timestamp when the wrapped function was first executed
nextFreeTimeslotnumberA timestamp for the next possible call to be scheduled to. This is not to be modified by the rule function, use interval/rpm/rps instead
lastCallobjectThe arguments, type and callback of the last wrapped function call. This is written when the wrapped function is called, not when the actual execution started. It is the last element of the q array.

5 years ago


5 years ago


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5 years ago