3.2.1 • Published 4 years ago

tilemapper v3.2.1

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4 years ago

Tilemapper v3

Generate basic tilemaps from multiple images, or go beyond with automatic animation generation or directional tilemaps.

Tilemapper recursively converts folders of images (tiles) into a tilemap using various different layout methods.


Usage (CLI)


The Tilemapper CLI requires Node.js and NPM be installed on the target computer. Atleast Node.js v12 is required.

Run these commands to install the latest version of Tilemapper:

# Normally:
$ npm install -g tilemapper
# With sudo:
$ sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm tilemapper

Then invoke it:

$ tilemapper
    tilemapper file/directory... [options]
    -h,-?,--help        Print this help message
    -V,--version        Print version information

    -v,--verbose        Output verbose logging information

    -e,--extensions     Comma-separated list of file extensions to match when
                        searching for input files, defaults to

    -o,--output         Specify output file path. Defaults to "tilemap.png"
    -j,--output-json    Enable JSON information output and optionally provide a
                        file path to write the .json file to

    -t,--output-type    Specify output image data format, usually assumed from
                        output file extension. Valid values include: "png",
                        "jpg", "webp", and "tiff"

    -l,--l-list         Generate a tilemap layout in the simplest manner
                        possible, just put all input tiles in a continuous list
                        going from left to right, looping back to the next line
                        once "--l-list-length" is reached (default)
    -s,--l-sequence     Generate a tilemap layout that contains "sequences".
                        Each "sequence" is a continuous list of frames, usually
                        for an animation. Each folder in the inputted paths will
                        be treated as a new sequence
    -a,--l-animation    Advanced. Generate a tilemap layout that contains
                        "animations", where each animation has sub-sequences for
                        different angles. Please see online documentation for
                        more information about how this mode works

    -W,--width          Width of each tile in pixels. Defaults to 128
    -H,--height         Height of each tile in pixels. Defaults to 128

    -O,--overscan       Overscan to apply to each tile. Negative numbers are
                        supported. Defaults to 0. Please see online
                        documentation for more information.

    -X,--min-x          Minimum count of tiles across the X axis
    -Y,--min-y          Minimum count of tiles across the Y axis

    -x,--l-list-length  Count of tiles across the X axis in the list layout
                        mode. Defaults to 16

    -L,--long-names     Use long tile/sequence/animation names? This will take
                        paths like "Art/Player/Walk_Forward/90/0.png" and output
                        "Art/Player/Walk_Forward" instead of just "Walk_Forward"

    -f,--fit            Fit mode to use when resizing tiles, if a tile needs to
                        be resized. Valid values include: "contain", "cover",
                        "fill", "inside", and "outside". Defaults to "contain".
                        Please see online documentation for more information
    -k,--kernel         Kernel mode to use when resizing tiles, if a tile needs
                        to be resized. Valid values include: "nearest", "cubic",
                        "mitchell", "lancoz2", and "lancoz3". Defaults to
                        "nearest". Please see online documentation for more

    tilemapper v3.1.0



Outputs the help page.


Outputs the current Tilemapper version.


Enables verbose mode, which will output extra debug information and make log messages persistent instead of having messages overwrite eachother.

-o,--output <file>

Specify a file path to write the output data to. If this file has an extension and -t,--output-type <type> is not specified, the output data type will be inferred from the file's extension.

-j,--output-json <file?>

Output a JSON file to a containing sizing and layout information about this tilemap, for automatically interpreting the tilemap in supported programs (currently only used internally at Team Quay). When specified without a path argument, the file path is generated by taking the output image path and replacing the extension with .json.

-t,--output-type <type>

Explicitly specify the output image data format. Type can be one of:

  • png Export a lossless Portable Network Graphics image (default).
  • jpg Export a lossy JPEG image.
  • webp Export a lossless WebP image.
  • tiff Export a lossy Tagged Image File Format image.


The default layout mode. Generate a tilemap layout in the simplest manner possible, just put all input tiles in a continuous list going from left to right, looping back to the next line once -x,--l-list-length is reached.


Tilemapper v2's method of laying out tiles. Generate a tilemap layout that contains "sequences". Each "sequence" is a continuous list of frames, usually for an animation. Each folder in the inputted paths will be treated as a new sequence.


For advanced users and users that want Tilemapper to handle animations with angles. Generate a tilemap layout that contains "animations", where each animation has sub-sequences for different angles.
This will take a file structure like:

		0/   [frame1.png, frame2.png, frame3.png]
		90/  [frame1.png, frame2.png, frame3.png]
		180/ [frame1.png, frame2.png, frame3.png]
		270/ [frame1.png, frame2.png, frame3.png]
		0/   [frame1.png, frame2.png, frame3.png]
		90/  [frame1.png, frame2.png, frame3.png]
		180/ [frame1.png, frame2.png, frame3.png]
		270/ [frame1.png, frame2.png, frame3.png]

And generate a JSON layout like:

{ "animations": [{
	"name": "anim1",
	"angles": [
		{ ... },
		{ ... },
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"name": "anim2",
	"angles": [
		{ ... },
		{ ... },
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
}] }

-W,--width <px>

Set the width (in pixels) of each tile in the tilemap. This defaults to 128 if not set.

-H,--height <px>

Set the height (in pixels) of each tile in the tilemap. This defaults to 128 if not set.

-O,--overscan <px>

Crop (or add if using negative numbers) this many pixels off of (to) all sides of each tile. Negative numbers should be specified as -O=-32. Defaults to 0.

-X,--min-x <count>

If the tool you are using expects an appropriately sized tilemap, this option can be used to adjust the minimum count of tiles on the X axis. If not set, it has no effect, but when set to a value higher that 0 it will force the compositor to generate a tilemap atleast count tiles across.

-Y,--min-y <count>

If the tool you are using expects an appropriately sized tilemap, this option can be used to adjust the minimum count of tiles on the Y axis. If not set, it has no effect, but when set to a value higher that 0 it will force the compositor to generate a tilemap atleast count tiles from top to bottom.

-x,--l-list-length <count>

When using the list layout mode (-l,--l-list), this option sets how wide (number of tiles across) the output tilemap will be. It acts kind of like -X,--min-x <count>. If not set, it defaults to 16.


Use long path names in outputted JSON information. By default, names in the JSON object will be either the filename without extension or the top-level directory name. This option will force them to use full paths, relative to the working directory. This will take paths like "Art/Player/Walk_Forward/90/0.png" and output "Art/Player/Walk_Forward" instead of just "Walk_Forward".

-f,--fit <fit>

If an input image's size does not match the size of a tile, it will be resized. This option sets the fit mode to be used when resizing images. Fit can be one of:

  • contain Preserving aspect ratio, ensure the image covers both provided dimensions by cropping/clipping to fit (default).
  • cover Preserving aspect ratio, contain within both provided dimensions using "letterboxing" where necessary.
  • fill Ignore the aspect ratio of the input and stretch to both provided dimensions.
  • inside Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as large as possible while ensuring its dimensions are less than or equal to both those specified.
  • outside Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as small as possible while ensuring its dimensions are greater than or equal to both those specified.

-k,--kernel <kernel>

If an input image's size does not match the size of a tile, it will be resized. This option configures the algorithm used when resizing images. Kernel can be one of:

  • nearest Nearest neighbor algorithm (default).
  • cubic Bicubic algorithm.
  • mitchell Mitchell algorithm.
  • lancoz2 Lanczos resampling algorithm 2.
  • lancoz3 Lanczos resampling algorithm 3.

Usage (API)

The tilemap function

On a compatible version of Node.js/NPM (v12 recommended), Tilemapper can be installed from the tilemapper package on NPM:

npm install tilemapper

Then, Tilemapper's API can be used in your JavaScript code:

// Import the Tilemapper function
const { tilemap } = require("tilemapper");

// Call it with our options
const { data, info, layout } = await tilemap({
	paths: "playerframes/",
	layoutMode: "sequence",
	outputType: "png"

// TODO: Write `data` to a .png file....

Note that the tilemap function takes a single argument, options, that is used to influence the way it generates a tilemap, and returns a Promise with the output data.

async function tilemap(options?: TilemapperOptions<...>): Promise<TilemapperOutput<...>>

Please see src/index.ts for more information on the types and options that can be passed to the API.

Reference for the tilemap options object

These are all the properties that the tilemap function will look for in its options object.

 * Paths to search for images.
 * Required.
paths?: string | string[];
 * Supported image extensions.
 * Default value: `["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "webp", "tiff", "svg"]`
extensions?: string[];
 * Working directory (used when generating dirnames).
 * Default value: `process.cwd()`
workingDirectory?: string;

 * Layout mode to use.
 * Required.
layoutMode?: LayoutMode.ListLayout | LayoutMode.SequenceLayout | LayoutMode.AnimationLayout;
// NOTE: See src/index.ts for more info

 * Output file data type.
 * Required.
outputType?: OutputType;
// NOTE: See src/compositor.ts for more info
 * Fit mode to use when resizing tiles, if a tile needs to be resized.
 * Default value: `ResizeFit.Cover`
resizeFit?: ResizeFit;
// NOTE: See src/compositor.ts for more info
 * Kernel to use when resizing tiles, if a tile needs to be resized.
 * Default value: `ResizeKernel.Nearest`
resizeKernel?: ResizeKernel;
// NOTE: See src/compositor.ts for more info

 * Width of each tile in pixels.
 * Default value: `128`
tileWidth?: number;
 * Height of each tile in pixels.
 * Default value: `128`
tileHeight?: number;
 * Minimum count of tiles across the X axis.
 * Default value: `0`
minCountX?: number;
 * Overscan (on the X axis) to apply to each tile.
 * Default value: `0`
overscanX?: number;
 * Overscan (on the Y axis) to apply to each tile.
 * Default value: `0`
overscanY?: number;
 * Minimum count of tiles across the Y axis.
 * Default value: `0`
minCountY?: number;

 * Use full directory names in tile names (layout.tiles).
 * Default value: `false`
longTileNames?: boolean;
 * Width (in tiles) of the tilemap to generate.
 * Default value: `0`
width?: number;
 * Use full directory names in sequence names (layout.sequences[i]).
 * Default value: `false`
longSequenceNames?: boolean;
 * Use full directory names in animation names (layout.animations[i]).
 * Default value: `false`
longAnimationNames?: boolean;

 * Log handler configuration.
 * Used to specify callback functions for logging output.
 * Default value: `undefined`
logHandlers?: LogHandlerConfig;
// NOTE: See src/log.ts for more info


Made with ❤ by Lua MacDougall (lua.wtf)


This project is licensed under MIT. More info in the LICENSE file.

"A short, permissive software license. Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source. There are many variations of this license in use." - tl;drLegal


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