tilt-send-data v1.0.2
Nodejs Command Line Utility to read Tilt Hydrometers and Post data to a Cloud Service (ubidots.com)
NOTE: The source code of this repository is available at Github.
- NodeJs and npm
- Bluetooth 4.0
Installations Required
Using npm, install the utility:
$ npm install -g tilt-send-data
Command Line
The command requires the following arguments to be able to handle data data with Ubidots:
-T --token [token] -> Ubidots TOKEN
-t --timeout [timeout] -> Interval timeout to send the request (in minutes)
Reference to the following guide to know where is located the TOKEN of your Ubidots Account.
To run the command reference to the structure below:
$ tilt-send-data -T "{Ubidots_TOKEN}" -t {timeout_in_minutes}
Command example:
$ tilt-send-data -T "BBFF-KvcUDRGARBkUDR5bogMVuKVcKigvsYAMvVVr9H278H2u2M34KvSne8R" -t 1
The command above will handle a request with temperature, gravity, and rssi values every one minute.
Server Response:
rssi: [ { status_code: 201 } ],
temperature: [ { status_code: 201 } ],
gravity: [ { status_code: 201 } ]
Optional Arguments
Data values optional arguments:
As optional arguments you can handle measured power, accuracy, and proximity values:
-m, --measuredPower [measuredPower] -> add measured power reading to the request
-a, --accuracy [accuracy] -> add accuracy reading to the request
-p, --proximity [proximity] -> add reading to the request
To run the command with the optional arguments reference to the structure below:
$ tilt-send-data -T "{Ubidots_TOKEN}" -t {timeout_in_minutes} -m "{device_label_mesuredPower}" -a "{device_label_accuracy}" -p "{device_label_proximity}"
Command example:
$ tilt-send-data -T "BBFF-KvcUDRGARBkUDR5bogMVuKVcKigvsYAMvVVr9H278H2u2M34KvSne8R" -t 1 -m "mesuredPower" -a "accuracy" -p "proximity"
The command above will handle a request with the default data (temperature, gravity, and rssi), plus the measured power, accuracy, and proximity values every one minute.
Server Response:
temperature: [ { status_code: 201 } ],
proximity: [ { status_code: 201 } ],
gravity: [ { status_code: 201 } ],
rssi: [ { status_code: 201 } ],
mesuredpower: [ { status_code: 201 } ],
accuracy: [ { status_code: 201 } ]
- Ubidots Server optional argument:
The host assigned by default is industrial.api.ubidots.com
which is the one assigned for the Ubidots Business License. If you are under the Ubidots Education License, you should use the host things.ubidots.com
. To replace it, you ought to assign it as argument:
-u, --url [url] -> post to specified url
Addtionals Resources
For more information about the Ubidots Cloud visualization with the incoming data, reference to the following guide