0.0.3 • Published 6 years ago

tinyflow v0.0.3

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Last release
6 years ago


Tiny module for automating tasks in your workflow

npm npm npm


Use npm to install this module on your project:

npm install --save tinyflow


Create a new file and write the tasks that you want to automatize. For example, let's create a file called tasks.js:

let flow = require("tinyflow");
let fs = require("fs");
let path = require("path");
let sass = require("node-sass");
let mkdirp = require("mkdirp");
let uglify = require("uglify-js");

//Create the dist folder 
flow.task("create-dist", function (done) {
    return done();

//Compile SCSS files
//First we must run the create-dist task 
flow.task("compile-scss", ["create-dist"], function (done) {
    let content = fs.readFileSync("./scss/style.scss", "utf8");
    //Compile the scss files
    return sass.render({data: content}, function (error, result) {
        if (error) {
            return done(error);
        //Write the compiled scss file 
        fs.writeFileSync("./dist/style.scss", result.css, "utf8");
        return done();

//Minify JS files 
//First we should run the create-dist task
flow.task("minify-js", ["create-dist"], function (done) {
    let content = fs.readFileSync("./js/index.js", "utf8");
    let result = uglify.minify(content);
    if (result.error) {
        return done(result.error); 
    fs.writeFileSync("./dist/index.js", result.code, "utf8");
    return done();

//Default tasks 
flow.defaultTask(["compile-scss", "minify-js"]);

You can execute all tasks defined in flow.defaultTask by running this script with node:

$ node ./tasks.js

You can execute a single task (or a subset of tasks) by using the flag --flow-tasks with the task to execute (or a comma-separated list of tasks): `

$ node ./tasks.js --flow-tasks compile-scss

You can use the npm scripts field in package.json to define these commands:

    "scripts": {
        "compile-scss": "node ./tasks.js --flow-tasks compile-scss",
        "minify-js": "node ./tasks.js --flow-tasks minify-js",


flow.task(name[, dependencies], handler)

Register a new task called name. This method is an alias of keue.addTask.

The task dependencies is a string or an array of strings with the names of the tasks that should be executed before running this task. This argument is optionally.

The task handler is a function that will execute the task operations. This function will be called with only one argument: a done function that should be called when the all the task operations are finished.

flow.task("task0", function (done) {
    //Do your task operations
    //. . .

    //When all the operations are finished, call the done function 
    return done();

If there is an error running the task operations, you can call the done function with an error object. After that, the error will be automatically printed in console and the flow will be aborted, so no more tasks will be executed.

flow.task("task-async", function (done) {
    yourAsyncFunction(arg1, ..., function (error, data) {
        if (error) {
            //Something went wrong running 'yourAsyncFunction', print the error and abort the tasks
            return done(error);
        //Continue with your operations.
        //. . .
        return done();


Define the default task or tasks that should be runned if the script is called without the --flow-tasks option. The task argument can be a string with the name of the single task to execute, or an array of strings with the order that the tasks should be executed. Note that this order will change if any task has dependencies, so in this case the dependencies will be executed before.

//Set a single default task to run

// OR

//Set an array with thasks to be executed in order:
flow.defaultTask(["task0", "task1", "task2"]);


Use this method to access to any argument passed to the script using a single or a double hyphenated arguments.

// node script.js --name John

let name = flow.getArgument("name");
console.log(name); // John


Print log messages in console.

flow.log("This is a log message");


Print error messages in console.

flow.error("Something went wrong...");

CLI flags

You can use the following flags from the command-line to change the default behavior of the tool. Your custom flags can be accessed with flow.getArgument.

--flow-tasks tasks

Define the tasks that will be executed. It also determines the order where these tasks will be executed. If this option is not used, the module will execute the tasks provided with flow.defaultTask.

You can execute a single task (and all the dependencies of these task) providing the name of the task to execute:

$ node ./my-tasks.js --flow-tasks compile-scss

You can also execute multiple tasks providing a list of comma-separated tasks to execute:

$ node ./my-tasks.js --flow-tasks compile-css,compile-js,minify-css,minify-js


All logs and errors messages will be displayed without colors.

$ node ./my-tasks.js --flow-no-colors


Under the MIT LICENSE.