1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

tmgbp v1.0.0

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2 years ago

The Most Generic, Boring Package

A general purpose, generic, boring package.


I made this package for my convenience so I wouldn't have to keep on recoding stuff I need.

String Functions


const String - "Hello World!"
// Expected Output: "1001000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 100000 1010111 1101111 1110010 1101100 1100100 100001"


const String - "Hello World!"
console.log(String.similarity("Heylo Worldz!"))
// Expected Output: 0.92


const String - "racecar"
// Expected Output: true

String.prototype.replaceAt(start, end, string)

const String - "Hello World!"
console.log(String.replaceAt(6, 13, 'Moon!'))
// Expected Output: "Hello Moon!"

Math Functions

Math.IsInCircle(circle = x, y, radius , target = x, y )

const circle = [0,0, 5]
const point = [-2, 4]

console.log(Math.isInCircle(circle, point)); // Expected Output: false

> Math.clamp(number, min, max)
console.log(Math.clamp(12, 4, 10))
// Expected Output: 10

Math.distanceOfPoints( x1, y1 , x2, y2 )

console.log(Math.distanceOfPoints([ 10, -2 ], [ 15, -7.5 ]))
// Expected Output: 5

Math.slope( x1, y1 , x2, y2 )

console.log(Math.slope([ 10, -2 ], [ 15, -7.5 ]))
// Expected Output: -1.1

Math.randomFromRange(min, max)

console.log(Math.randomFromRange(6, 20))
// Expected Output: 7.611526702311742

Math.randomIntFromRange(min, max)

console.log(Math.randomIntFromRange(6, 20))
// Expected Output: 13

Array Functions


let myArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// Expected Output: 6


let myArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// Expected Output: 6


let myArray = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// Expected Output: 6


let myArray = [ 0, 10 ]
// Expected Output: 5


let myArray = [ 0, [[1]], [2, ["Hello!", []], "World!"] ]
// Expected Output: [ 0, 1, 2, 'Hello!', 'World!' ]


let myArray = [5, 2, 1, 9, 4, 7, 7, -1]
// Expected Output: -1


let myArray = [5, 2, 1, 9, 4, 7, 7, -1]
// Expected Output: 9


let myArray = ["Luara", "Yanny", "Mike", "Luara", "Manny"]
// Expected Output: ["Luara", "Yanny", "Mike", "Manny"]

General Purpose

lerp(start, end, percentage)

console.log(lerp(0, 2, 0.7))
// Expected Output: 1.4


// Expected Output: "consectetur ac purus, nunc metus, odio fringilla libero, cras semper vehicula sem convallis justo in metus "

range(start, end, step)

console.log(step(5, 20, 1))
// [ 5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ]

repeat(function, iterations, start, step)

repeat((index) => { console.log(index) }, 100) / Expected Output: 0 1 2 3 4 5... /

> randomName({ gender: "MALE | FEMALE | BOTH", lastName, length })
const name = randomName({ 
    gender: "MALE",
    lastName: true,

// Expected Output: "Nataly Butler"


const key = generateKey(25)
// Expected Output: "dspd0XdSgXw0nUtwYdn6TC0HC"

Neural Network

The Most Generic Package has a basic neural network algorithm for basic use. The neural network is a very bare bones feed-foward neural network. The core of the network is provided, but everything else will have to be coded by you.

What's included?
    - The Neural Network
    - Training algorithm
    - Demo training sets

 What's not included:
    - Basically everything else, you have to code the rest of it. (Like I said, very bare bones.)

Basic Syntax:

AI that predicts the color based on RGB values (from 0 - 1)

import NeuralNetwork from './lib/neuralNetwork/network.js'
import TrainNetwork from './lib/neuralNetwork/train.js'

const trainingData = [ { input: 1, 0, 0, output: 'Red' }, { input: 0, 1, 0, output: 'Green' }, { input: 0, 0, 1, output: 'Blue' }, { input: 1, 1, 1, output: 'White' }, ]

const brain = new NeuralNetwork( 3, 9, trainingData.length ); // First layer size must be the size of an input. TrainNetwork(brain, trainingData, { iterations: 80000, // Default: 1000 mutations: 0.1, // Default: 0.1 log: true, // Default: false, })

const input = 1,0,0 // Expected Output: "Red" let answer = NeuralNetwork.feedFoward(input, brain) answer = trainingDataanswer.indexOf(Math.max(...answer))

console.log(answer); // Output: "Red";

> In the training set, the input must always be an array of numbers, but what if you want to have a string as an input? You'd have to convert that string into binary and make that binary string into an array (remove the spaces). This package includes a string to binary converter for your use.

import NeuralNetwork from './lib/neuralNetwork/network.js'
import TrainNetwork from './lib/neuralNetwork/train.js'
import toBinary from './lib/toBinary.js';

const makeBinaryArray = (string) => string.toBinary().split('').map(e => +e)

const trainingData = [
    { input: makeBinaryArray('0+0'), output: 0 },
    { input: makeBinaryArray('0+1'), output: 1 },
    { input: makeBinaryArray('1+0'), output: 1 },
    { input: makeBinaryArray('1+1'), output: 2 },

const brain = new NeuralNetwork([ 18, 9, trainingData.length ]);
TrainNetwork(brain, trainingData, {
    iterations: 1e+6,
    mutations: 0.1,
    log: true,

const input = makeBinaryArray('0+1') // Expected Output: 1
let answer = NeuralNetwork.feedFoward(input, brain)
answer = trainingData[answer.indexOf(Math.max(...answer))]['output']

// output: 1

This algorithm is good enough for small data sets but is not recommended for large projects.

-Made with ❤️ by AJ.

Release Notes:

    - Inital Release (v1.0.0):
        - First public release
        - Expect lot of issues and bugs