1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

tofu-js v1.0.0

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7 years ago


Originally developed in 2010 for use in Pinup, a graphical tool for tagging content within images on the web. This is a tiny JavaScript library that focuses on element manipulation including events, animations, and html parsing.

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addClassAdd one class to a provided element object.
addEventAdd one event listener to a provided element object that invokes a callback function.
animateAnimate one or more CSS properties for a provided element object.
appendTextInsert a text node at the end of a provided element object.
arrayUniqueReturns a new array of unique values from a provided array.
attributeDepending on the parameters provided, this method will add, remove, or get attribute values for a provided element object.
camelizeConvert a provided string into camel case.
cleanElementRemoves all event listeners, child nodes, and cache entries for a provided element object.
clickBinds a click event onto a provided element object.
cloneObjectReturns an exact duplicate of a provided object that has no reference to its former self.
domAppendInsert an element object at the end of a provided element object.
domWrapWrap an element object with a provided element object.
fadeInAnimate the opacity of an element object over a set time until it becomes opaque.
fadeOutAnimate the opacity of an element object over a set time until it becomes transparent.
fadeToAnimate the opacity of an element object over a set time until it becomes the desired opacity.
fireEventTrigger an event listener for a provided element object.
getComputedStylesReturns a normalized array of computed CSS styles for the provided element object.
getCumulativeOffsetReturns the offset from the outer most parent for a provided element object.
getElementsByClassNameReturns one or more matching element nodes from within the provided element node (or document body if none is provided).
getEventTargetRetrieves the associated element object from a provided event object.
getFileExtensionReturns the file extension from a provided URL string.
getGUIDReturns the GUID given to element objects by the library, or assigns one if none is found.
getHeightReturns the height of a provided element object.
getMousePositionReturns the current coordinates of the cursor.
getNextSiblingReturns the element object following the provided element object, or undefined if none was found.
getParamsFromObjectReturns a URL encoded string of parameters derived from a provided object.
getParentByClassNameRecursively looks for parent elements matching a provided class name. Returns the element object, or undefined if none were found.
getStyleReturns the requested computed style value of a provided element object.
getWidthReturns the width of a provided element object.
hasClassDetermines if a provided element object contains a specified class name.
hasEventDetermines if a provided element object has a specified event listener.
hasPropertyCross browser implementation of object.hasOwnProperty.
hideRenders a provided element object hidden (display none).
inArrayDetermines if a provided object is in an array.
insertAfterInsert an element object directly after a provided element object.
insertBeforeInsert an element object directly before a provided element object.
isArrayDetermines if a provided object is an array type.
isBooleanDetermines if a provided object is boolean type.
isDateDetermines if a provided object is a date type.
isElementDetermines if a provided object is an element type.
isElementEmptyDetermines if a provided element object has no child nodes.
isElementInDetermines if a provided element object is inside another provided element object.
isFunctionDetermines if a provided object is a function type.
isNullDetermines if a provided object is null.
isNumberDetermines if a provided object is a number type.
isNumericDetermines if a provided object is numerical.
isObjectDetermines if a provided object is an object type.
isObjectEmptyDetermines if a provided object is empty.
isStringDetermines if a provided object is a string type.
isUndefinedDetermines if a provided object is undefined.
isVisibleDetermines if a provided element object has been hidden using CSS (display/visibility).
loadJSONPRetrieves content using the JSONP method.
loadScriptLoads external JavaScript files from within the same origin.
loopPerforms a while loop using the given parameters.
loopArrayIterates over a provided array object and returns the index/value pairs.
loopObjectIterates over a provided object and returns the property/value pairs.
loopObjectKeysIterates over a provided object and returns the property names.
mergeObjectCombines two provided objects and returns the result.
newElementCreates and returns a new element object.
noConflictInforms the library not to bind with the dollar sign function to avoid conflicts with other libraries.
onDomReadyRuns a callback function when the Document Object Model is ready for use.
parseHTMLUses provided JSON data to build a document fragment.
parseUrlAnalyzes a provided URL string and returns information about its structure.
randomIDCreates a randomly generated string.
removeAllEventsRemoves all event listeners from a provided element object.
removeArrayItemRemoves all occurrences of an item within a provided array object.
removeChildrenRemoves all child nodes from a provided element object.
removeClassRemoves the specified class name from a provided element object.
removeElementRemoves a provided element object from the DOM.
removeEventRemoves a single event listener from a provided element object.
replaceElementReplace a provided element object with a provided element object.
replaceEventReplace a specified event listener with another listener of the same event type.
replaceHTMLReplace HTML within a provided element object using either an HTML string or a JSON representation (see parseHTML).
rloopPerforms a reverse while loop using the given parameters.
runIntervalPerforms a conditional check over intervals of time.
setAlphaChange the opacity of a provided element object.
setHeightChange the height value of a provided element object.
setStyleChange a single computed style of the provided element object.
setStylesChange multiple computed styles of the provided element object.
setWidthChange the width value of a provided element object.
showRenders a provided element object visible (display block).
stopAnimationForce a running animation to stop.
stopBubbleStops event propagation and prevents default actions of a provided event object.
stringFormatInserts array values into a provided string as specified.
stripSpacesRemoves all spaces within a provided string.
textContentRetrieve or insert a text node from within a provided element object. Returns undefined if no string is provided and no text node was found.
typeReturns a normalized type value of the provided object.

