1.0.1 • Published 10 months ago

token-wizard v1.0.1

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Last release
10 months ago


Token wizard is a powerful and versatile library for managing design tokens in your projects. Simplify your design system by centralizing colors, typography, spacing, and more, ensuring consistent styling across different platforms and applications.


You can install Token Wizard via npm. Make sure you have npm and Node.js installed on your machine before proceeding with the following command:

npm i token-wizard --save-dev


  • The library has typescript support, so that you can use it easily
  • A comprehensive collection of design tokens for various design attributes.
  • Well-organized categories, including colors, typography, spacing, borders, and shadows.
  • Easily accessible tokens to ensure consistent theming and styling across your projects.
  • Customizable and extensible tokens to fit the specific needs of your design system.
  • You can create .css, .scss and Js file.


  • import library and use generateToken
import { generateToken } from "token-wizard";
  • Then, we should define tokens
  • And, we can refere inner object attribute by using ${this.}
const tokens = generateToken({
  tokens: {
    blue: {
      900: "#03045E",
      800: "#023E8A",
    red: {
      900: "#590D22",
      800: "#800F2F",
    primary: {
      color: "${this.blue[900]}",
    white: "#ffffff",

  '--blue-800': '#023E8A',
  '--blue-900': '#03045E',
  '--red-800': '#800F2F',
  '--red-900': '#590D22',
  '--primary-color': '#03045E',
  '--white': '#ffffff'


  '$blue-800': '#023E8A',
  '$blue-900': '#03045E',
  '$red-800': '#800F2F',
  '$red-900': '#590D22',
  '$primary-color': '#03045E',
  '$white': '#ffffff'

  blue800: '#023E8A',
  blue900: '#03045E',
  red800: '#800F2F',
  red900: '#590D22',
  primaryColor: '#03045E',
  white: '#ffffff'
  • Also, we can extract this token to a file with giving a parameters
tokens.toCss("./tokens.css"); // it will crate a file that name is token.css under :root
tokens.toScss("./tokens.scss"); // it will crate a file that name is token.scss
tokens.toJS("./tokens.js"); // it will crate a file that name is token.js

More Customize

  • Also, generateToken is taking more options so that we can make the library more customize.
import { generateToken } from "token-wizard";

const tokens = generateToken({
  targetCase: "kebab-case", // PascalCase | camelCase | kebab-case | snake_case
  delimeter: "--", // we can use delimeter whatever we want like --, **, __ etc.
  tokens: {
    blue: {
      900: "#03045E",
      800: "#023E8A",
    red: {
      900: "#590D22",
      800: "#800F2F",
    primary: {
      color: "${this.blue[900]}",
    white: "#ffffff",

Under Development

  • we are improving this library so some features still under development like:
    • Dark/light Theme integration
    • exporting d.ts file
    • Integration with design tools

Sample Project

  • Here is the sample project to provide a basic design system.


Contributions to Token Wizard Kit are welcome! If you have ideas for new design tokens, improvements, or bug fixes, please follow these steps:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your changes.
  • Make your modifications and additions.
  • Commit and push your changes to your forked repository.
  • Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute Token Wizard as needed.