tomorrow v9.0.3
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you -- The Beatles
Experimental service to provide a count of unique ANONYMOUS visitors to a website.
Not having access to a unique id (cookie, session, etc), we attempt to fingerprint a user through examining their browser topology (device fingerprinting -- see
Now that we have a lot of fingerprints, how do we efficiently store them, and get unique counts? For this we use a HyperLogLog, as implemented in Redis.
port : 8081, // Optional. Port to run server on.
redisPass : "foobar", // Optional. Redis password.
redisPort : 6379 // Optional. Port Redis is running on.
This starts a server with three routes:
- /test - will load test.html file so you can play with library
- /fingerprint - returns a js library that takes user fingerprints.
- /log/:fingerprint - sending a :fingerprint hash to /log stores the print.
- /count - returns the current cardinality (estimate of unique fingerprints)
On the client, get the library via /fingerprint, then run this JavaScript command to get the current client's unique fingerprint:
new Fingerprint().get()
Optionally, you can add more accuracy with canvas:
new Fingerprint({canvas: true}).get())