1.1.2 • Published 9 years ago
toms-in-stock v1.1.2
TOMS in stock
Checks TOMS website for shoes availability.
In the last couple of weeks I have been trying to buy a pair of TOMS shoes, but the ones I want are not available in my size. They were available again for a few hours, and then they disappeared while I was trying to buy them.
I thought I'd automate the process of checking when they become available again, so here is a convenient node module to do so.
How to use it
$ npm install -g toms-in-stock
$ toms-in-stock --help
Usage: toms-in-stock <slug> [-c "country"] [-s "size"]
slug Slug of the webpage for the shoe model to check
-c, --country Set the country where you want to buy the shoes
[choices: "germany", "us", "canada", "uk",
"netherlands", "france"] [default: "germany"]
-s, --size Set the size you need [default: "44"]
--help Show help [boolean]
toms-in-stock navy-linen-rope-sole-mens-classics -c germany -s 44 Checks if Navy Linen Rope Men's Classics are available in Germany in size 44