0.6.0 • Published 9 years ago

toolbag-plugins v0.6.0

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Last release
9 years ago


A collection of toolbag plugins. This repository is intended to be temporary. Each of these plugins will eventually be published as a standalone module on npm. The following plugins have already been split out:

To use one or more of the plugins in this module, add toolbag-plugins to package.json. In .toolbagrc.js:

'use strict';

const ToolbagPlugins = require('toolbag-plugins');
const Policy = require('toolbag-plugin-policy');
const StatsCollector = require('toolbag-plugin-stats-collector');
const UdpReporter = require('toolbag-plugin-udp-reporter');

module.exports = function config (defaults, callback) {
  callback(null, {
    errors: {
      policy: 'log'
    plugins: [
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.BorlandCommander,
        options: {
          host: 'http://localhost:5000'
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.HttpReporter,
        options: {
          id: 'http reporter',
          method: 'POST',
          url: 'http://localhost:5000/report',
          options: {}
        plugin: UdpReporter,
        options: {
          id: 'udp reporter',
          socketType: 'udp4',
          port: 5001,
          host: 'localhost'
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.Getfile,
        options: defaults.data
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.Heapdump,
        options: defaults.data
        plugin: ToolbagPlugins.Profiler,
        options: defaults.data
      { plugin: ToolbagPlugins.Signal },
        plugin: StatsCollector,
        options: {
          enabled: true,
          period: 1000,
          eventLoopLimit: 30,
          features: {
            process: true,
            system: true,
            cpu: true,
            memory: true,
            gc: true,
            handles: true,
            requests: true,
            eventLoop: true,
            meta: {
              tags: ['api']
        plugin: Policy,
        options: {
          blacklist: {
            modules: {
              fs: 'log'
            bindings: {
              natives: 'log-verbose'

Available Plugins

Documentation improvements are welcome

  • BorlandCommander - Implements the command interface over nes-based WebSockets. Communicates with a server running borland.
  • Getfile - Transfers a file as a JSON string. Uses Buffer.prototype.toJSON() to encode data as JSON.
  • Heapdump - Creates a heap snapshot.
  • HttpReporter - Implements the reporter interface over HTTP.
  • IpcCommander - Implements the command interface over IPC using process.send().
  • NewRelic - Sets up New Relic monitoring without modifying your application.
  • ProcessReporter - Implements the reporter interface over IPC using process.send().
  • Profiler - Used to collect CPU profiles of a running application.
  • SharedSymbol - Registers a global symbol that exposes toolbag to application code.
  • Signal - Sends signals to the running process.