6.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

toolkit-report-generator v6.0.1

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2 years ago

mochawesome-report-generator (marge)

npm Node CI

marge (mochawesome-report-generator) is the counterpart to mochawesome, a custom reporter for use with the Javascript testing framework, mocha. Marge takes the JSON output from mochawesome and generates a full fledged HTML/CSS report that helps visualize your test suites.


  • Simple, clean, and modern design
  • Support for test and suite nesting
  • Displays before and after hooks
  • Review test code inline
  • Stack trace for failed tests
  • Support for adding context information to tests
  • Filters to display only the tests you want
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly
  • Offline viewing
  • CLI for generating reports independent of mochawesome

Usage with mochawesome

  1. Add Mochawesome to your project:

    npm install --save-dev mochawesome

  2. Tell mocha to use the Mochawesome reporter:

    mocha testfile.js --reporter mochawesome

  3. If using mocha programatically:

    var mocha = new Mocha({
      reporter: 'mochawesome'

CLI Usage

Install mochawesome-report-generator package

npm install -g mochawesome-report-generator

Run the command

marge [options] data_file [data_file2 ...]


marge generates the following inside your project directory:

├── assets
│   ├── app.css
│   ├── app.js
│   ├── MaterialIcons-Regular.woff
│   ├── MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2
│   ├── roboto-light-webfont.woff
│   ├── roboto-light-webfont.woff2
│   ├── roboto-medium-webfont.woff
│   ├── roboto-medium-webfont.woff2
│   ├── roboto-regular-webfont.woff
│   └── roboto-regular-webfont.woff2
└── mochawesome.html


CLI Flags

marge can be configured via the following command line flags:

-f, --reportFilenamestringFilename of saved report
-o, --reportDirstringcwd/mochawesome-reportPath to save report
-t, --reportTitlestringmochawesomeReport title
-p, --reportPageTitlestringmochawesome-reportBrowser title
-i, --inlinebooleanfalseInline report assets (scripts, styles)
--cdnbooleanfalseLoad report assets via CDN (unpkg.com)
--assetsDirstringcwd/mochawesome-report/assetsPath to save report assets (js/css)
--chartsbooleanfalseDisplay Suite charts
--codebooleantrueDisplay test code
--autoOpenbooleanfalseAutomatically open the report
--overwritebooleantrueOverwrite existing report files. See notes.
--timestamp, --tsstringAppend timestamp in specified format to report filename. See notes.
--showPassedbooleantrueSet initial state of "Show Passed" filter
--showFailedbooleantrueSet initial state of "Show Failed" filter
--showPendingbooleantrueSet initial state of "Show Pending" filter
--showSkippedbooleanfalseSet initial state of "Show Skipped" filter
--showHooksstringfailedSet the default display mode for hooks failed: show only failed hooksalways: show all hooksnever: hide all hookscontext: show only hooks that have context
--saveJsonbooleanfalseShould report data be saved to JSON file
--saveHtmlbooleantrueShould report be saved to HTML file
--devbooleanfalseEnable dev mode (requires local webpack dev server)
-h, --helpShow CLI help

Boolean options can be negated by adding --no before the option. For example: --no-code would set code to false.


By default, report files are overwritten by subsequent report generation. Passing --overwrite=false will not replace existing files. Instead, if a duplicate filename is found, the report will be saved with a counter digit added to the filename. (ie. mochawesome_001.html).

Note: overwrite will always be false when passing multiple files or using the timestamp option.


The timestamp option can be used to append a timestamp to the report filename. It uses dateformat to parse format strings so you can pass any valid string that dateformat accepts with a few exceptions. In order to produce valid filenames, the following replacements are made:

spaces, commasunderscoreWed March 29, 2017Wed_March_29_2017

If you pass true as the format string, it will default to isoDateTime.

mochawesome reporter-options

The above CLI flags can be used as reporter-options when using the mochawesome reporter.

Use them in a .mocharc.js file:

module.exports = {
    reporter: 'node_modules/mochawesome',
    'reporter-option': [
        'reportTitle=My\ Custom\ Title',

or as an object when using mocha programmatically:

const mocha = new Mocha({
  reporter: 'mochawesome',
  reporterOptions: {
    overwrite: true,
    reportTitle: 'My Custom Title',
    showPassed: false


To develop locally, clone the repo and install dependencies. In order to test end-to-end you must also clone mochawesome into a directory at the same level as this repo.

You can start the dev server with npm run devserver. If you are working on the CLI, use npm run dev:cli to watch for changes and rebuild.

Running Tests

Unit Tests

To run unit tests, simply use npm run test. You can also run a single unit test with npm run test:single path/to/test.js.

Functional Tests

Functional tests allow you to run real-world test cases in order to debug the output report. First, start up the dev server in one terminal window with npm run devserver. Then, in another window, run the tests with npm run test:functional. This will generate a report that you can open in the browser and debug.

If you want to run a specific folder of functional tests: npm run test:functional path/to/tests

Or if you want to run a single test: npm run test:functional path/to/test.js

Or mix and match: npm run test:functional path/to/some/tests path/to/another/test.js