1.0.3 • Published 6 years ago

topijs v1.0.3

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6 years ago


It is a Javascript framework for building Single Page Application.

Framework contains a set of components for helping in building this kind of application. These components are:

  • Router,
  • Events managing,
  • View Layer,
  • Request manager
  • Controller,
  • Action,
  • Config,
  • Components.

These components are working together.


Maybe, You were asking yourself, why someone decided to build other framework for Single Page Application, because there is a lot of available alternatives.

There are three reasons. First that each framework requires a certain approach from the programmer to the creation process. It is often the case that the problem we want to solve is simpler than the solution. For example, we want to build simple form without two way data binding, but we need to care about that, because framework requires it from us.

Second reason is, that there is a lot libraries, these libraries do great work, but a lot of them, are not compatile with frameworks, so programmers needs to create some bridget, to work with these libraries. Topijs does not require to create some strage thnigs to use libraries.

The third reason was to create it, create your own tool, check your ideas, gain new experiences.


The framework is at the development stage. If you like my ideas - I will gladly accept your help.

For now, I created simple skeleton. So first, clone repositiory https://github.com/ttmdear/topijs.skeleton.

git clone https://github.com/ttmdear/topijs.skeleton

Then go to folder with skeleton.

cd topijs.skeleton

Then run npm install, after that, you can run npm run server. If everythnigs goes well, you can open http://localhost:9000 to see single page at Topijs.

The main file is src/main.js at this file, everyting is configured and run.

import App from "Topi/App";
import jQuery from "jquery";
import Router from "Topi/Router";
import element from "Topi/Utils/element";
import Api from 'Topi/Api/Api';

// Standard actions
import ActionsIndex from "Actions/Index";
import ActionTodoList from "Actions/Todo/Index.js";
import TopiActionsNotFound from "Topi/Actions/NotFound";
import TopiActionsError from "Topi/Actions/Error";

// Controllers
import ControllerMain from "Controllers/Main.js";

import bootstrap from "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";

// styles

// element
    let app = window.app = new App(jQuery("body"), {
        components : {
            components : {
                "@api" : () => {
                    return new Api("http://api.local/api");
        router : {
            routes : [{
                type : Router.ROUTE_TYPE_INDEX,
                action : "/index",
                controllerClass : ControllerMain,
                actionClass : ActionsIndex,
                type : Router.ROUTE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND,
                action : "/notFound",
                controllerClass : ControllerMain,
                actionClass : TopiActionsNotFound,
                type : Router.ROUTE_TYPE_ERROR,
                action : "/error",
                controllerClass : ControllerMain,
                actionClass : TopiActionsError,
                action : "/todo/list",
                controllerClass : ControllerMain,
                actionClass : ActionTodoList,


The most important part is App class. It is just Topi App. Next, jQuery is incluede - this library is used to operate on DOM. Then we include Router. Router is resposibled for run actions for defined URN. Below, there is defined components and routes. Each of route has Action and Controller. If actions have same controllers, then controller is not change during routing bettween actions. Controller is responsible for prepering all page, each action is called, when URN changed.

At this example, there is ActionTodoList call, when browser go to /todo/list URN.

Now let's see, how ControllerMain works.

import Controller from 'Topi/Controller';
import View from 'Topi/View';
import templateLayout from 'Controllers/Main.layout.html';

 * Example of controller.
const cn = 'Main';
class Main extends Controller {
    constructor(target) {

        const p = this.private(cn, {
            view : {
                layout : new View(templateLayout),
            action : null,

    element(name) {
        const p = this.private(cn);

        if (name === undefined) {
            return p.view.layout.element('container');
            return p.view.layout.element(name);

    async action(action, params = {}) {
        const p = this.private(cn);

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            if (p.action != null) {
                p.action.end().then(() => {
                    // clean container

                    // run new action
                    p.action = new action();
                    p.action.run(params, this).then(() => {
                // clean container

                // run new action
                p.action = new action();
                p.action.run(params, this).then(() => {

    async run() {
        const p = this.private(cn);

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {


    async end() {
        return Promise.resolve();

export default Main;

Maybe you saw, strange line const cn = "Main";. This variable is used, when we want to get private scope for object. There is few methods of implementing private variable like using undescore before variable/method _name, using symbols etc. At Topi metchanism of private variable is implemented at base object Topi/Object. This mechanism using WeakMap to stores private variable. So if you need get private scope for some object of specific class, you can get this by this.private(className) or just defined variable and use it this.private(cn).

Each controller needs to has implemented methods:

  • elemen(name),
  • action(action, params = {}),
  • run(),
  • end().

Method element() should return reference to DOM object. action(action, params = {}) is responsible for run action. At skeleton, this method clean container, then run new action. To be able to look different, everything depends on the application. Method run() is responsible of run controller at first time. So if we have few type of controllers at application, then run() is called after change controller. Method end() is called when controller is change to other and we need to clean things of previous controller.

run(), action(), end(), should return Promise. This is due to the fact that we do not know what operations the given counter-controller performs, perhaps they are asynchronous.

Now let's see, how does ActionTodoList work.

import View from "Topi/View";
import Action from 'Topi/Action';
import ComponentList from 'Views/Todo/List'

import templateLayout from 'Actions/Todo/Index.layout.html';

const cn = 'Index';
class Index extends Action {
    async run(params, controller) {
        let p = this.private(cn),
            router = this.component('@router'),
            view = {}

        return super.run(params, controller).then(() => {
            view.layout = new View(templateLayout);

        }).then(() => {
            view.list = new ComponentList({
                items : [{
                    id : 1,
                    name : 'Bring the dog out',
                }, {
                    id : 2,
                    name : 'Meet with the girl.',
                }, {
                    id : 3,
                    name : 'Visit parents',


export default Index;

Action as controller has run(params, controller) method. The purpose of that method is create proper content at controller. At this example, we use simple View to create layout of action, then we use ComponentList to display todo list. Let's see to ComponentList.

import View from "Topi/View";
import WidgetInput from "Topi/Views/Widgets/Input";

import templateItems from "Views/Todo/List.items.html";
import templateLayout from "Views/Todo/List.layout.html";

let cn = 'List';
class List extends View {
    constructor(params = {}) {

        const p = this.private(cn);

        p.ids = 1;

        // We set init value of items.
        this.set("-items", params.items == undefined ? [] : params.items);

        // Next we attach to all event to item.
        // You can also attach to specific event. like items:change, items:init
        this.on("items", (event, params) => {
            // if something happend with items, then I reload the view
        }, this.id());

        // We use Input Widget
        p.input = new WidgetInput();

        this.element("add").on("click", (event) => {
            const taskName = p.input.get("value");

            if (taskName != null) {
                let items = this.get("items");

                    id : this._generateId(),
                    name : taskName,
                    done : 0,

                this.set("items", items);

                // Clean value of input
                p.input.set("value", null);

        this.element("clean").on("click", (event) => {
            this.set("items", []);

        this.element("items").on("click", "[type='checkbox']", (event) => {
            const target = this.$(event.currentTarget),
                items = this.get("items")

            items.find(item => item.id == target.data('id')).done = target.is(":checked") ? 1 : 0;

            this.set("items", items);

        this.element("items").on("click", ".remove", (event) => {
            const target = this.$(event.currentTarget);
            let items = this.get("items");

            items = items.filter(item => item.id != target.data('id'));

            this.set("items", items);

    _generateId() {
        const p = this.private(cn);


        while(this.get("&items").find(item => item.id == p.ids) != undefined) {

        return p.ids;

    render() {

        const p = this.private(cn);

        // Render is called for example after reload. But you can run render()
        // every time you need.
        // Every View has method element(), this method return reference of
        // object defined at html.

        this.element('title').html(`You have ${this.get("&items").length} tasks. ${this.get("&items").filter(item => item.done).length} is done.`);

        // We use template to render items

export default List;

Each component should extends from View. View has some methods which help us to build view. Each view should implements render() method. The purpose of that method is creating of html. At constructor we inject html template of view. This is base html.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col" name="title"></div>

<div class="row" style="margin-bottom : 10px">
    <div class="col-9" name="taskName"></div>
    <div class="col-3 text-right">
        <button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" name="add">Add task</button>
        <button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" name="clean">Clean list</button>

<div class="row">
    <div class="col" name="items"></div>

This html does not change at rerender. This should be more static skeleton of view. At html we can use name atttribute to save references to this elements.

Then at constructor we set items list. Each object at Topi extends from Topi/Object. This class implements common mechanisms, such as data or event management. So we can use method set(name, value, params = {}) to set data, and get(name, params = {}) to get data. We can also use emit(name, params = {}, emitparams = {}) to emit event, and on(name, callback, group) to attach to event. Object data management and combined with events. If any of the data changes, the corresponding event is emitted. At this.set("-items", params.items == undefined ? [] : params.items); we set values of items. - at begining means that event is not emit silienty mode.

this.on("items", (event, params) => {
    // if something happend with items, then I reload the view
}, this.id());

Then listen on any event related to items. If something changes in the elements list, it transfers the entire element of the view. At this point, I could call render () however the reload () method refreshes the view more effectively. The third parameter is the name of the group to which the event will be assigned. Grouping allows you to manage events in a more manageable way, eg to delete events from a specific group. this.id() return unique id of object.

p.input = new WidgetInput();

Then I use WidgetInput to display input at view. Widget is like View. You can use standard input and put him at html, or use some of widget.

At next few line, I attach to events. Topi use jQuery as base library to operate on DOM. this.element() return jQuery reference. Each change of items couse rerender view.

Now, let's look at render() method. Here I used two way of creating html. Frist I update static element of view, like title. Then I rerender all list of tasks using template.

<table class="table text-center">
{{~ it.items :item :index}}
            {{= index+1}}
            {{= item.name}}
            <input type="checkbox" data-id="{{= item.id}}" {{? item.done}}checked{{?}}>
            <button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm remove" data-id="{{= item.id}}">Remove</button>

Topis using dot.js library as template engine. Please look at http://olado.github.io/doT/index.html.